Chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by Aspergillus complicated with pulmonary aspergilloma
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A 57-year-old man consulted our hospital with a history of the gradual onset of dyspnea and a productive cough. Chest computed tomographic (CT) scans showed a nodular shadow in a cavity lesion, and reticulonodular, cystic, and ground-grass opacities in the bilateral lung fields with honeycombing. He was diagnosed as having pulmonary aspergilloma and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). As an outpatient, he suffered from dyspnea upon physical exertion with exacerbation of the high-resolution CT (HRCT) opacities. An inhalation provocation test for Aspergillosis fumigatus was positive and chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (CHP) caused by Aspergillus was finally diagnosed. Insidious CHP is sometimes misdiagnosed as IPF. The diagnosis of insidious CHP should be made on the basis of a detailed history, specific HRCT findings, and lymphocyte-dominant bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cell findings.
- The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine = 日本内科学会の論文
- 2004-10-01
中尾 眞二
Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical Science
Nakao Shinji
日本医科大学 第三内科
NAKAO Shinji
Department of Cellular Transplantation Biology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa Univer
Waseda Yuko
国立病院機構金沢医療センター 呼吸器科
Waseda Yuko
Cellular Transplantation Biology Department Of Respiratory Medicine Kanazawa University Graduate Sch
Yasui Masahide
金沢大学 医学系研究科細胞移植学
Yasui Masahide
Respiratory Medicine Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medicin
Yasui M
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Kanazawa University School Of Medicine
Ichikawa Yukari
Respiratory Medicine Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medicin
Waseda Yuko
Department Of Haematology-oncology And Respiratory Medicine Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazaw
Department of Internal Medicine, Kurobe City Hospital
Hebisawa Akira
Department of Pathology, National Hospital Organization Tokyo National Hospital
Yasui Masahide
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Cellular Transplantation Biology, Kanazawa University Graduate S
Ichikawa Yukari
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Cellular Transplantation Biology, Kanazawa University Graduate S
Fujimura Masaki
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Cellular Transplantation Biology, Kanazawa University Graduate S
Yasui Masahide
Department Of Cellular Transplantation Biology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kanazawa Universi
Yasui Masahide
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Kanazawa University School Of Medicine
Sahara Naohi
浜松医科大学 内科学第3
Hebisawa Akira
Department Of Division Of Pathology National Hospital Organization Tokyo Hospital
Hebisawa Akira
Department Of Pathology National Tokyo Hospital
Fujimura Masaki
Cellular Transplantation Biology Department Of Respiratory Medicine Kanazawa University Graduate Sch
Fujimura Masaki
Department Of Obstrics And Gvnecology Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
Fujimura Masaki
Department Of Internal Medicine Fukui Cardiovascular Center
Nakao Shinji
Department Of Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical Scienc
Nakao Shinji
Department Of Hematology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical Science
Nakao Shinji
Cellular Transplantation Biology Department Of Respiratory Medicine Kanazawa University Graduate Sch
Fujimura Masaki
Respiratory Medicine Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medicin
Fujimura Masaki
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Kanazawa University School Of Medicine
Yasui M
Respiratory Medicine Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medicin
Yamauchi H
Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical Science
Yoshimoto Akihiro
Department Of Haematology-oncology And Respiratory Medicine Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazaw
Fujimura Masaki
Department Of Gynecology Saitama Cancer Center
Fujimura Masaki
Pulmonary Medicine Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medicine
Yoshimoto Akihiro
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Gunma Children's Medical Center
Yoshimoto Akihiro
Department Of Applied Biochemistry Faculty Of Applied Biological Science Hiroshima University
Hebisawa Akira
Department of Clinical Research, National Hospital Organization Tokyo National Hospital, Japan
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