<原著>環境汚染化学物質の人胎児への移行・蓄積について(I) : ポリ塩化ビフェニール, 各有機塩素系農薬
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PCB and organochlorinated pesticides (BHC, DDT, dieldrin, heptachlorepoxid) being in dispute since some years ago have been investigated by the authors in reference to the accumulation and distribution within the human body by using the corpse of sudden death in Osaka Prefecture. In the present study, the amount of contaminations in the human fetal organs and tissues from the newborn soon dying without lactation, in other words the actual accumulation by the placental transfer into the fetal body in the period of 9 to 10 months, was disclosed and compared with the accumulated amount of the mother's group which had been already examined ; that is, in target organs of each contamination the accumulated amount of the contamination of the newborn group was investigated in per cent of that of the mother's group. As for PCB, the results included valuable 3 cases of the fetuses from the mother at the same gestation. Consequently, PCB and the organochlorinated pesticides were accumulated much more than expected within the fetal body in the period of only 9 to 10 months : Some of the accumulated contaminations were found higher in concentration than those of the mother's group.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1979-06-25
杉山 静征
Yasui Masahide
金沢大学 医学系研究科細胞移植学
野田 裕司
山田 正
土井 修市
吉村 昌雄
山田 正
山口 真由
三ツ国 洋一
三ツ国 洋一
Yasui M
Osaka Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka Jpn
三ッ国 洋一
Yasui Masahide
Department Of Legal Medicine Kinki University School Of Medicine
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