- 論文の詳細を見る
Genetic rolymorphism of human plasminogen (PLG) was investigated by polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing followed by immunoblotting and caseinolytic overlay on desialyzed plasma samples. Among a total of 6,120 unrelated healthy Japanese subjects from central Japan, a novel allele was detected. In a population study, 23 different phenotypes controlled by 13 alleles were found among which 6 new alleles were identified. The gene frequencies were calculated for PLG^* A=0.9536,PLG^* M5=0.0199,PLG^* B2=0.0133,PLG^* A3=0.0062,PLG^*B=0.0060 and PLG^* rare=0.0010. Results of the analysis of 64 family studies were in agreement with the autosomal codominant inheritance. The distribution of phenotypes fits the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Amidolytic activity and antigen concentration of plasminogen were examined in various phenotypes. PLG M^<Osaka> was an abnormal molecule with a functional defect like PLG M5,an abnormal plasminogen. The new variants PLG M^<Osaka II> and PLG A^<Nara> had low functional activities and low antigen concentrations. Therefore PLG M^<Osaka II> and PLG A^<Nara> are new abnormal molecules with plasminogen deficiency. The theoretical exclusion rate in cases of disputed paternity was 4.2%.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1991-09-25
Yasui Masahide
金沢大学 医学系研究科細胞移植学
Yamazaki M
Department Of Cellular Transplantation Biology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kanazawa Universi
Yasui Masahide
Respiratory Medicine Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medicin
山口 眞由
山口 真由
Yasui M
Osaka Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka Jpn
Yasui Masahide
Department Of Legal Medicine Kinki University School Of Medicine
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