<Originals>Estimation of age from human renal tissues by image processing
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The purpose of this study was to estimate the age of unidentified dead subjects by examining renal tissue samples using image processing techniques and comparing the findings with standards obtained from subjects of known ages. Using human renal tissues, differences in the glomerulus and Bowman's capsule between ages were examined by image processing using a computer. Renal tissue samples collected from 400 male and female humans aged from less than 1 year to more than 60 years were treated by processed for microscopy. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Since the changes with aging in the areas of the glomeruli and Bowman's capsules used for age estimation were linear, an estimation equation of age was determined by regression analysis. Estimation equation of age based on the area of glomeruli. Proportional coefficient, r=0.774 Y=0.319X-13.247. Estimation equation of age based on the area of Bowman's capsules. Proportional coefficient, r=0.830 Y=0.3293X-15.145. The accuracy of the estimated ages based on the area of Bowman's capsules were about 60% with a range of ±2 years, about 80% with a range of ±5 years, and about 95% with a range of ±8 years. The accuracy of the estimated ages based on the area of glomerulus were about 50% with a range of ±2 years, about 80% with a range of ±5 years, and about 95% with a range of ±8 years. These findings indicated to be useful for medicolegal studies.
- 近畿大学の論文
杉山 静征
巽 信二
杉山 靜征
古谷 昭雄
古谷 昭雄
Department of Legal Medicine, Kinki University School of Medicine
Department of Legal Medicine, Kinki University School of Medicine
SUGIYAMA Shizuyuki
Department of Legal Medicine, Kinki University School of Medicine
Department of Legal Medicine, Kinki University School of Medicine
Tatsumi S
Sugiyama Shizuyuki
Department Of Legal Medicine Kinki University School Of Medicine
巽 信二
近畿大学 法医
Furutani A
Department Of Legal Medicine Kinki University School Of Medicine
Tatsumi Shinji
Department Of Legal Medicine Kinki University School Of Medicine
Furutani Akio
Department Of Legal Medicine Kinki University School Of Medicine
- 1980年に出生したヒト臍帯中の金属濃度について
- 日本人の体内に蓄積している汚染化学物質の経年的推移について (第12報) : マンガン
- 日本人の体内に蓄積する汚染化学物質の経年的推移 (第10報) : カドミウム
- 日本人の体内に蓄積する汚染化学物質の経年的推移 (第9報) : 鉛
- 11.超軟X線における日本人肋骨の加齢的変化
- 14.1976年と1981年における成人主要臓器・頭毛中の総水銀およびメチル水銀濃度の比較
- Polychlorinated Biphenylsの日本人体内蓄積・分布に関する研究(II) : 1973年頃と1979年とにおける成人血清, 肝臓および脂肪組織中PCBの濃度・組成の比較
- 人体内残留農薬に関する法医学的研究(VI) : 1974年と1979年とにおける成人脂肪組織・肝臓中有機塩素系農薬濃度の比較
- 人体内残留農薬に関する法医学的研究(V) : 1974年と1979年とにおける成人脂肪組織・肝臓中DDT濃度の比較
- 人体内残留農薬に関する法医学的研究(IV) : 1974年と1979年とにおける成人脂肪組織・肝臓中BHC濃度の比較
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- 1.人体内残留有機塩素系農薬について
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- ヒト臍帯中重金属濃度の経年的比較 : 総水銀・カドミウム・鉛
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- 画像処理によるヒト恥骨結合部の超軟X線像からの年齢推定
- 1.ヒト恥骨結合部の超軟X線像からの年齢推定 : コンピュータ画像解析からの年齢推定式(VIII)
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- Estimation of age from human renal tissues by image processing
- 過去30年間に大阪府内で発生した土中死体隠蔽事件について
- II.異常死体の届出義務について : 医師法21条(特別講演抄録,第62回近畿大学医学会学術講演会)
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- ヒト恥骨結合部の超軟X線像の画像処理による年齢推定
- 6.ヒト皮膚片からの年齢推定
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