Ischemic heart disease associated with bortezomib treatment combined with dexamethasone in a patient with multiple myeloma
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-06-15
OKUMURA Hirokazu
Department of Hematology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science
中尾 眞二
Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical Science
Nakao Shinji
日本医科大学 第三内科
NAKAO Shinji
Cellular Transplantation Biology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medicine
TAKAMI Akiyoshi
Department of Cellular Transplantation Biology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medicine
KAMI Masahiro
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit, National Cancer Center Hospital
Yamashita Takeshi
Department of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Institution
Department of Internal Medicine, NTT WEST Kanazawa Hospital
KOTANI Takeharu
Department of Internal Medicine, NTT WEST Kanazawa Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine, NTT WEST Kanazawa Hospital
OKUMURA Hirokazu
Cellular Transplantation Biology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science
Takaue Yoichi
国立がんセンター中央病院 造血幹細胞移植グループ
Takaue Yoichi
Department Of Internal Medicine Ntt West Kanazawa Hospital
Okumura Hirokazu
Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical Science
Okumura Hirokazu
日本医科大学 第三内科
Okumura H
Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School Of Medical Sci. Jpn
NAKAO Shinji
Kanazawa University Hospital
Nakao Shinji
Department Of Hematology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical Science
Nakao Shinji
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Kanazawa University School Of Medicine
Yoshida Tomotaka
Cellular Transplantation Biology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical Science
Nakao Shinji
Cellular Transplantation Biology Department Of Respiratory Medicine Kanazawa University Graduate Sch
Yamashita Takeshi
Department Of Internal Medicine Ntt West Kanazawa Hospital
Okumura Hirokazu
Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School Of Medical Sci. Kanazawa Jpn
Shirafuji Naoki
Department Of Hematology/oncology Teikyo University School Of Medicine
Yamashita Takeshi
Department Of Cardiology The Cardiovascular Institute
Kotani Takeharu
Department Of Internal Medicine Ntt West Kanazawa Hospital
Kotani Takeharu
Department Of Hematology And Immunology Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital
Sahara Naohi
Department Of Internal Medicine Iii Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Sawazaki Aiko
Department Of Internal Medicine Ntt West Kanazawa Hospital
Takamatsu Hiroyuki
Department Of Internal Medicine Ntt West Kanazawa Hospital
Department of Cellular Transplantation Biology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medicine
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