Micro Cavity Effect in GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes Formed by Laser Lift-Off and Etch-Back Technique
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-03-15
Nakamura Shuji
Materials Department University Of California
Denbaars Steven
Nicp/erato Jst Ucsb Group University Of California
Weisbuch Claude
Materials Department University Of California Santa Barbara
Fujii Tetsuo
Nicp/erato Jst Ucsb Group University Of California
Materials Department, University of California
NICP/ERATO JST, UCSB Group, University of California
DAVID Aurelien
Materials Department, University of California Santa Barbara
Materials Department, University of California Santa Barbara
Materials Department, University of California Santa Barbara
Materials Department, University of California Santa Barbara
NICP/ERATO JST, UCSB Group, University of California
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