HMG Box A in HMG2 Protein Functions as a Mediator of DNA Structural Alteration Together with Box B
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japanese Biochemical Societyの論文
- 2001-04-01
Yoshioka Ken-ichi
Department Of Biological Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
YOSHIDA Michiteru
Department of Biological Science and Technology, Science University of Tokyo
Nakamura Yasuyuki
Department of Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Kyoto Women's University
Yoshida Michiteru
Department Of Biological Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
Shirakawa Hitoshi
Department Of Biological Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
Shirakawa H
Department Of Biological Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
Nakamura Yasuyuki
Department Of Biological Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
Yoshida Michiteru
Department of Biological Science & Technology, Science University of Tokyo
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University
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