白川 仁
Yoshida Michiteru
Department Of Biological Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
白川 仁
Yoshida Michiteru
Department of Biological Science & Technology, Science University of Tokyo
- Lupus antibodies to the HMGB1 chromosomal protein : epitope mapping and association with disease activity
- Conformational Difference in HMGB1 Proteins of Human Neutrophils and Lymphocytes Revealed by Epitope Mapping of a Monoclonal Antibody
- ATP-Dependent Chromatin Structural Modulation by Multiprotein Complex Including HMGB1
- 1R15 HMG1の2つのHMG-Boxを結ぶリンカー領域の役割
- 細胞内転写促進反応に及ぼすHMG1酸性C末端領域中の機能領域の同定
- E. freundii由来Val感受性α-aceto-α-hydroxy acid synthase(AHAS)の発現制御および活性調節部位をコードする遺伝子の検索
- HMG2タンパク質によるDNA構造変化誘導の機能領域の特定
- HMG1/2-Boxへの変異導入を用いたHMG1タンパク質のDNA結合部位の推定
- E. freundii 由来Val感受性α-aceto-α-hydroxy acid synthase (AHAS) : 酵素
- DNA結合性タンパク質HMG2のDNA bending機能領域の解析 : 動物
- 核タンパク質HMG2核移行とDNA結合との関連 : 動物
- DNA結合性タンパク質HMGIおよびHMG2と相互作用している核内タンパク質の検索 : 動物
- HMG Box A in HMG2 Protein Functions as a Mediator of DNA Structural Alteration Together with Box B
- Difference in Affinity for DNA between HMG Proteins 1 and 2 Dtermined by Surface Plasmon Resonance Measurements^1
- High Mobility Group Proteins 1 and 3 Can Function as DNA-Binding Rrgulatory Components for DNA-Dependent Protein Kinase In Vitro Regulatory Components for DNA-Dependent Protein Kinase In Vitro
- The Stabilized Structural Array of Two HMG1/2-Boxes Endowed by a Linker Sequence between Them Is Requisite For the Effective Binding of HMG1 with DNA
- Distorted DNA Structures Induced by HMGB2 Possess a High Affinity for HMGB2
- Characterization of the Pro-aminopeptidase from Aeromonas caviae T-64
- タイトル無し