Correlation between the Concentration of c-erbB-2 Protein, EGF-receptor and TGFα in Breast Cancer Tissue, and Clinicopathological Parameters
Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University
Takagi Hiroshi
Second Department Of Surgery Nagoya University
Takagi H
Department Of Surgery Ii Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Funahashi H
Department Of Surgery Ii Nagoya University Hospital School Of Medicine
Imai T
Department Of Transplantation And Endocrine Surgery Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
Imai Tsuneo
名古屋大学医学部附属病院 乳腺・内分泌外科
Nagaya T
Department Of Endocrinology And Metabolism Division Of Molecular And Cellular Adaptation Institution
Nagaya Takashi
Department Of Endocrinology And Metabolism Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya Unive
NARITA Tatsuhiko
Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine
IMAI Tsuneo
Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Takagi Hiroshi
Depertment of Surgery II, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Takagi Hiroshi
Department Of Surgery Ii Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Takagi Hiroshi
Department Of Medicine And Molecular Science Gunma University Graduate School Of Medicine
Imai Tsuneo
Department Of Breast And Endocrine Surgery Nagoya University Hospital
Narita T
Aichi Cancer Center Res. Inst. Nagoya
Narita Tatsuhiko
Second Department Of Surgery Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Itoh Takayasu
Department Of Endocrinology And Metabolism Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya Unive
Takagi Hiroshi
Second Department Of Surgery
Takagi Hiroshi
Second Department Of Physiology Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Hayashi Takako
Department Of Surgery Ii Nagoya University School Of Medicine
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