Alternative Splicing of the FHIT Gene in Colorectal Cancers
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1997-04-30
松井 太衛
Division of Oncological Pathology, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
Kasai Yasushi
Second Department Of Surgery Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Gastroenterological Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University
Akiyama Seiji
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Takagi Hiroshi
Second Department Of Surgery Nagoya University
Nakanishi H
愛知県がんセンター研究所 腫瘍病理学部
Department of Surgery II, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Akiyama Seiji
Second Department Of Surgery Nagoya University
Takagi Hiroshi
Department Of Surgery Ii Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Ito Katsuki
Gastroenterological Surgery Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
Ito Katsuki
Second Department Of Surgery School Of Medicine Nagoya University
Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine
HIRAI Atsushi
Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine
FUJIKAKE Yoshihiro
Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine
MATSUI Takanori
Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Nakanishi H
Division Of Oncological Pathology Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
Hibi Kenji
Gastroenterological Surgery Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hibi Kenji
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
Fujikake Yoshihiro
Second Department Of Surgery Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Yasui Kenzo
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Aichi Cancer Center Hospital
Hirai Atsushi
Second Department Of Surgery Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Takagi Hiroshi
Second Department Of Surgery
Matsui Taei
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Medical Technology Fujita Health University School Of Health Scienc
Nakayama H
Nagoya Univ. School Of Medicine Nagoya
Takagi Hiroshi
Second Department Of Physiology Shinshu University School Of Medicine
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