Hokkaido Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 論文
- Capillary GC-MS Analysis of Volatile Components in Japanese Gingers
- HPLC Analysis of Gingerols and Diterpenes in Japanese Gingers
- On the Evaluation of the Preparation of Chinese Medicinal Prescriptions (V) : Diterpenes from Japanese Ginger "Kintoki"
- Simultaneous and Quantitative Analysis of Alkaloids in Evodia Fruit(呉茱萸)
- Pharmacological Properties of Galenical Preparation-13-Metabolites in Rat Urine of Orally Administered Evodia Fruits(呉茱萸)Extract
- Pharmacognostical and Botanical Studies on the Crude Drugs in Hokkaido (V) : Relation between Corydaline and Dehydrocorydaline (DHC) in Corydalis ambigua Tubers
- 後志の薬史 IV. 薬業家たちの屋印
- Ligustilidiol from Cnidium Rhizome (川〓)
- Pharmacognostical and Botanical Studies on the Crude Drugs in Hokkaido (VII) : Cultivation of Corydalis ambigua CHAM. et SCHLECHT. (III) Seasonal Growth of Tubers and Their Alkaloid Contents
- Pharmacognostical and Botanical Studies on the Crude Drugs in Hokkaido (IV) : Determination of Tertiary Alkaloids in Corydalis ambigua by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- 生薬製剤の薬物学的特性(第XI報) : 高速液体クロマトグラフ法によるラット尿および胆汁中の粉防巳成分Tetrandrineの定性と定量
- テリハブシの主要塩基成分およびPseudokobusine誘導体の鎮痛効果
- P2-147 当院におけるハイリスク薬の適正使用に関する取り組みについて(調剤・処方鑑査・オーダリングシステム,ポスター,一般演題,岐路に立つ医療〜千年紀の目覚め〜よみがえれ!ニッポン!薬の改革は我らが手で!)
- Pharmacokinetics of diltiazem in patients with liver cirrhosis.
- The structure of nitronitrosoaconitinic acid, the oxidation product of aconitine with nitric acid.
- Some derivatives of anhydrodiacetyldelcosine (anhydrodiacetyllucaconine).