Graduate School of Engineering Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology | 論文
- A New Blind 2D-RAKE Receiver Based on CMA Criteria for Spread Spectrum Systems Suitable for Software Defined Radio Architecture
- Study on Soft Decision Based Cooperative Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks
- STBC Distributed ARQ Scheme for OFDM Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks(Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks)
- Multi-Stage RLS OFDM Adaptive Array Antenna with Short Pilot Symbols(Wireless Communication Technologies)
- Electroluminescence Enhancement Assisted with Ballistic Electron Excitation in Nanocrystalline Silicon Diodes
- Electroluminescence Enhancement Assisted with Ballistic Electron Excitation in Nanocrystalline Silicon Diodes
- Strain Distribution Analysis of Sputter-Formed Strained Si by Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
- Si/Ge Hole-Tunneling Double-Barrier Resonant Tunneling Diodes Formed on Sputtered Flat Ge Layers
- Deposition of Tungsten Carbide Thin Films by Simultaneous RF Sputtering
- Isolation and Functional Analysis of the Promoter Sequence of the Cry j 1 Gene, Which Encodes a Major Allergenic Protein in the Pollen of Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica)
- Analyzing Bioelectric Potential Response of Plants Related to Photosynthesis under Blinking Irradiation
- Generation of Phase Only Pulses Using Optical Pulse Synthesizer
- The molecular basis of incomplete dominance at the A locus of CHS-D in the common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea
- Accurate Estimation of the Number of Weak Coherent Signals
- Formation Mechanism of 100-nm-Scale Periodic Structures in Silicon Using Magnetic-Field-Assisted Anodization
- Highly enhanced efficiency and stability of Photo- and Electro-Luminescence of Nano-Crystalline Porous Silicon by High-Pressure Water Vapor Annealing
- Acoustic Wave Manipulation by Phased Operation of Two-Dimensionally Arrayed Nanocrystalline Silicon Ultrasonic Emitters
- Cavity Effect in Nanocrystalline Porous Silicon Ballistic Lighting Device
- A Design of Higher Order Auto-Correlation Vision Chip
- Strain-Relaxed Si_Ge_x and Strained Si Grown by Sputter Epitaxy