Electroluminescence Enhancement Assisted with Ballistic Electron Excitation in Nanocrystalline Silicon Diodes
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-09-15
UCHIDA Tetsuya
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
Kojima A
Gunma National Coll. Technol. Maebashi Jpn
Kojima A
Quantum 14 Co. Ltd.
KOSHIDA Nobuyoshi
Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Niibe Masao
Graduate School Of Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Koshida N
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture And Technol. Tokyo Jpn
GELLOZ Bernard
Graduate school of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Quantum 14 Co.
Gelloz Bernard
Graduate School Of Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Gelloz Bernard
Graduate School Of Engineering Tokyo University Of A & T
Uchida Tetsuya
Graduate School Of Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Koshida Nobuyoshi
Graduate School Of Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Koshida Nobuyoshi
Graduate School Of Eng. Tokyo Univ. Of A&t
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- 23-3 アクティブ駆動型HEED冷陰極HARP撮像板の試作(第23部門 イメージセンサII)
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