Faculty of Science and Technology, Meijo University | 論文
- Atomic Force Microscopy on Imogolite, Aluminosilicate Nanotube, Adsorbed on Au(111) Surface
- Negative Tone Dry Development of Si-Containing Resists by Laser Ablation
- The Effect of Isoelectronic In-Doping on the Structural and Optical Properties of (Al)GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Effect on GaN/Al_Ga_N and Al_Ga_N/Al_Ga_N Quantum Wells by Isoelectronic In-Doping during Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Large Grain Growth in Cu(In, Ga)Se_2 Thin Films with Band Gap of around 1.4 eV by Thermal Crystallization in Saturated Se Vapors
- Preparation of Ordered Vacancy Chalcopyrite Thin Films by RF Sputtering from CuInSe_2 Target with Na_2Se
- Relationship between Crosstalk and Readout Magnetic Field Direction on Trilayer Magnetically-Induced Super Resolution Media
- Suppression of Charges in Al_2O_3 Gate Dielectric and Improvement of MOSFET Performance by Plasma Nitridation(High-κ Gate Dielectrics)
- Suppression of Charges in Al_2O_3 Gate Dielectric and Improvement of MOSFET Performance by Plasma Nitridation
- Microwave Dielectric Properties and Crystal Structure of Y_2(Ba_Sr_x)(Cu_Zn_y)O_5 Solid Solutions Synthesized by a Solid-State Reaction Method
- Electrical Conductivity of Low-Temperature-Deposited Al_Ga_N Interlayer
- Piezoelectric Stark-like Ladder in GaN/GaInN/GaN Heterostructures
- Structural Properties of Al_In_xN Ternary Alloys on GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- GaN Based Laser Diode with Focused Ion Beam Etched Mirrors
- Reduction of Etch Pit Density in Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy-Grown GaN on Sapphire by Insertion of a Low-Temperature-Deposited Buffer Layer between High-Temperature-Grown GaN
- Quantum-Confined Stark Effect due to Piezoelectric Fields in GaInN Strained Quantum Wells
- Piezoelectric Polarization in GaInN/GaN Heterostructures and Some Consequences for Device Design
- Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxial Growth of High-Quality AlInN/AlGaN Multiple Layers on GaN : Semiconductors
- Highly Reliable Ultra-Thin Tantalum Oxide Capacitors for ULSI DRAMs (Special Issue on Quarter Micron Si Device and Process Technologies)
- Trends in Capacitor Dielectrics for DRAMs (Special Issue on LSI Memories)