Microwave Dielectric Properties and Crystal Structure of Y_2(Ba_<1-x>Sr_x)(Cu_<1-y>Zn_y)O_5 Solid Solutions Synthesized by a Solid-State Reaction Method
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2000-09-30
大里 齊
大里 齊
名古屋工大 大学院
OHSATO Hitoshi
Department of Materials Science and Engineering Institute of Nagoya Institute of Technology
Faculty of Science and Technology, Meijo University
Ishihara Soichi
Faculty Of Science And Teclmology Meijo University
Ishihara Soichi
Faculty Of Science And Engineering Meiji University
OGAWA Hirotaka
Faculty of Science and Technology, Meijo University, JAPAN
KAN Akinori
Faculty of Science and Technology, Meijo University, JAPAN
Ogawa Hirotaka
Faculty Of Engineering Meijo University
Ohsato Hitoshi
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Institute Of T
Kan Akinori
Department Of Sensory And Motor System Medicine Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Kan Akinori
Faculty Of Science And Technology Meijo University
- 1B10 Ba_R_Ti_O_ 固溶体におけるマイクロ波誘電特性に及ぼす微量元素添加の結晶構造的意味
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- 熱処理結晶化Nd-Fe-B系薄膜の磁気特性の昇温速度依存性
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- CoをドープしたBi_3Fe_5O_ガーネット膜の合成(IV)
- CoをドープしたBi_3Fe_5O_ガーネット膜の合成(II)
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- 交互RIBSによる高濃度Bi置換ガーネット膜の作製
- K-Al-プリデライト(K_xAl_xTi_O_)の生成域
- Microwave Dielectric Properties of Bi-Added Ba_4Nd_Ti_O_ Solid SoIutions
- 2B21 六方晶 SiC 単結晶の内部歪みの光弾性評価
- cryptomelane の生成領域とカリウムの溶出
- 溶質反応生成型フラックス法によるZnO単結晶の合成(3. 液相反応法)(新技術によるセラミックスの合成と評価(II))
- 溶質反応生成型フラックス法によるZnO単結晶の合成 (新技術によるセラミックスの合成と評価-2-) -- (液相反応法)
- MnO_2-BaMnO_3系の相関係と合成ホンダイトBa_xMn_8O_16(1. 23
- カリウムの充てん率の異なるクリプトメレーンの合成と加熱による相変化
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- EPMAによるソ-ダ・石灰珪酸塩の定量分析
- ZnO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2系ガラスから析出する準安定Indialite
- 3E09 ゾルゲル法による Y_2O_3-BaO-CuO 系マイクロ波誘電体セラミックスの微構造
- 3E08 R_2O_3-BaO-ZnO(R=rare-earth) 系セラミックスのマイクロ波誘電特性
- 3E06 Nd_2BaZnO_5 のマイクロ波誘電特性におよぼす Cu 置換の効果
- 1E24 Nd_2O_3-BaO-ZnO 系セラミックスの微構造とマイクロ波誘電特性
- 2D02 Y_2(Ba_Sr_x)CuO_5 固溶体のマイクロ波誘電特性
- 1B09 Y_2BaCuO_5 への希土類元素置換によるマイクロ波誘電特性
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- Relationship between Microstructural Evolution and Electrical Properties in Ba(Ti, Zr)O_3-Based Materials for Ni-MLCC
- 24-P-21 Use of LiF to Achieve a Low-Temperature Co-Fired Ceramics (LTCC) with Low Dielectric Loss
- 24-P-13 Controlled tf of (1-x)Al_2O_TiO_2 Microwave Dielectric Ceramics
- 24-P-12 Zero Temperature Dependence of tf and Sinterability of High-Q Forstrite Ceramics with Addition of Rutile
- 24-P-07 Microwave Dielectric Properties of (1-x)MgTiO_SrTiO_3 Ceramics
- 24-P-06 Phase Transition and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Nd_2Ba(Cu_Zn_x)O_5 (x=0 to 0.55) by Zn Substitution for Cu
- 24-O-05 Effect of Grain Orientation on Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ba_4Sm_Ti_O_ Ceramics
- 24-I-01 Correlationship of Site Occupancies of Cations and Microwave Dielectric Properties in Tungstenbronze-Type like Ba_R_Ti_O_ Solid Solutions
- 21-P-19 Crystallographical Investigation on Piezoelectricity of Langasite Crystal under High-Pressure
- 21-P-17 Crystallographic Study on Sm Doped BaTiO_3
- 09-P-15 Electric Resistance of Rare Earth Ruthenate Phases Bi_RE_xRu_2O_7 Predicted by DvXα Calculations and Experimental Confirmation
- 06-P-22 Ferroelectric Property and Crystal Structure of (K_La_x)(Nb_Fe_x)O_3 Lead-Free Piezoceramics
- 06-O-23 Influence of the Milling Process on Microstructure and Electrical Properties for BaTiO_3-Based Ni-MLCC
- 結晶構造
- Effect of Ho/Mg Ratio on Formation of Core-shell Structure in BaTiO_3 and on Dielectric Properties of BaTiO_3 Ceramics
- 2L08 チタン酸バリウムへの Sm の固溶状態の解析
- 1L16 LPE 法による KNbO_3 薄膜の合成
- Studies on the Solid Solution of Mn in BaTiO_3
- Synthesis and crystal structure-microwave dielectric property relations in Sn-substituted Ca3(Zr1-xSnx)Si2O9 solid solutions with cuspidine structure (Special issue: Ferroelectric materials and their applications)
- Microwave Dielectric Properties of Perovskite-Like Structured Ba8Ta6(Ni1-xMx)O24 (M=Co, Cu, and Zn) Solid Solutions (Special Issue: Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications)
- Low-Temperature Sintering and Microstructure of Mg_4(Nb_V_x)0_9Microwave Dielectrc Ceramic by V Substitution for Nb
- Microwave Dielectric Characteristics of Y_2BaZnO_5 Ceramics with Sm Substitution for Y
- Influence of M (M = Zn and Ni) Substitution for Cu on Microwave Dielectric Characteristics of Yb_2Ba(Cu_M_x)O_5 Solid Solutions
- Microwave Dielectric Properties and Crystal Structure of Y_2(Ba_Sr_x)(Cu_Zn_y)O_5 Solid Solutions Synthesized by a Solid-State Reaction Method
- Microwave Dielectric Properties of Sm_2Ba(Cu_Zn_x)O_5(x = 0 to 1) Solid Solutions
- Microwave Dielectric Properties of Y_2Ba(Cu_Zn_x)O_5 Solid Solutions
- Experimental Development of Evaluation Equipment for Oil Separator
- Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ba_Sm_Ti_O_ Solid Solutions with Sr Substituted for Ba
- The Effect of MgO and Rare-Earth Oxide on Formation Behavior of Core-Shell Structure in BaTiO_3
- Microwave Dielectric Properties of the Ba_(Sm_, R_y)_Ti_O_(R=Nd and La) Solid Solutions with Zero Temperature Coefficient of the Resonant Frequency
- Microwave Dielectric Properties and Structure of the Ba_Sm_Ti_O_ Solid Solutions
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- Relation between Scavenging Flow and Its Efficiency of a Two-Stroke Cycle Engine
- Study of Occupational Sites and Dielectric Properties of Ho-Mg and Ho-Mn Substituted BaTiO_3
- Effect of Occupational Sites of Rare-Earth Elements on the Microstructure in BaTiO_3
- Phase transitional behavior and piezoelectric properties of (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-LiNbO3 ceramics (第28回エレクトロセラミックスセミナー フロンティア 高温電子セラミックス--パワーエレクトロニクス、エネルギーシステムの革新) -- (無鉛ペロブスカイトの高温材料化とその応用)
- Solid-Solution Structure and Piezoelectric Property of KNbO_3 Ceramics Doped with Small Amounts of Elements
- Structure and Electrical Properties of Lead-Free (Na_K_)NbO_3-BaTiO_3 Ceramics
- Controlled Temperature Coefficient of Resonant Frequency of Al_2O_3-TiO_2 Ceramics by Annealing Treatment
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- Growth Morphology and Crystal Orientation of KNbO_3 Film on SrTiO_3 by Liquid Phase Epitaxy
- Grain-Orientation Control and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ba_4Sm_9.33Ti_O_ Ceramics
- ランガサイトR3Ga5SiO14 (R=La, Pr) の結晶構造と特性
- Formation of Tungsten Bronze-Type (Ba_Sm_)_αTi_Al_yO_ (α=1+y/36) Solid Solutions and Microwave Dielectric Properties
- X線粉末回折法によるタングステンブロンズ型固溶体Ba6-3xSm8+2xTi18O54 (x=0.3, 0.5, 0.67, 0.71) の結晶構造精密化
- タングステンブロンズ型マイクロ波誘電体の結晶構造と特性
- タングステンブロンズ型化合物Ba6-3xSm8+2xTi18O54固溶体の陽イオン分布
- Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ba_4(Nd_R_y)Ti_O_ (R = Eu, Dy, Ho, Er and Yb) Solid Solutions
- Microwave Dielectric Properties and Sintering of Ba_R_Ti_O_ (R = Sm,x = 2/3) Solid Solution with Added Rutile
- Formation of Solid Solutions of New Tungsten Bronze-Type Microwave Dielectric Compounds Ba_R_Ti_O_ (R=Nd and Sm, 0≤r≤1)
- Superlattice and Dielectric Properties of BaO-R_2O_3-TiO_2(R=La, Nd and Sm) Microwave Dielectric Compounds
- Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ba_nLa_4Ti_O_ Homologous Series
- Millimeter-Wave Dielectric Properties of Cordierite/Indialite Glass Ceramics
- Characterization of K-Al-, K-Fe- and k-Mg-priderite grown from melts
- Microwave Dielectric Properties of CaTiO3–(LiNd)TiO3–(BiNa)TiO3 Ceramics
- Effects of SnO_2 Additives on the Bondability and Superconductivity of YBCO Superconductors
- Improvement of Michell Workshop Viscometer
- Raman Scattering Study of Piezoelectric (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-LiNbO3 Ceramics
- Thermal Deformation of the Clearance between Cylinder and Piston : The Case of an Air-cooled Two-stroke-cycle Engine
- Anisotropic Polarization and Piezoelectricity of KBa2Nb5O15 Ceramics Derived from Pressureless Sintering
- Synthesis of KNbO3 Piezoelectric Ceramics Using Citrate Precursors
- Fabrication Conditions of Diopside for Millimeterwave Dielectrics
- Microwave Dielectric Properties of Perovskite-Like Structured Ba8Ta6(Ni1-xMx)O24 ($\textit{M}=\text{Co}$, Cu, and Zn) Solid Solutions
- Crystal Structure and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Aeschynite-Type $R$(W0.5Ti1.5)O6 ($R = \text{Nd}$, Sm, Eu, Gd and Dy) Ceramics
- Controlled Temperature Coefficient of Resonant Frequency of Al2O3-TiO2 Ceramics by Annealing Treatment
- Grain-Orientation Control and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ba4Sm9.33Ti18O54 Ceramics
- Low-Temperature Sintering and Microstructure of Mg4(Nb2-xVx)O9 Microwave Dielectric Ceramic by V Substitution for Nb
- Synthesis of High-Quality Forsterite
- Synthesis and Crystal Structure–Microwave Dielectric Property Relations in Sn-Substituted Ca3(Zr1-xSnx)Si2O9 Solid Solutions with Cuspidine Structure
- Effects of Ca Substitution for Sr on Ferroelectric Properties and Crystal Structure of (Sr1-xCax)Bi3Ti2NbO12
- Solid-Solution Structure and Piezoelectric Property of KNbO3 Ceramics Doped with Small Amounts of Elements