Nara Yasuo | Japan Stroke Prevention Center And Department Of Pathology Shimane Medical University
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- Japan Stroke Prevention Center And Department Of Pathology Shimane Medical Universityの論文著者
Nara Yasuo
Japan Stroke Prevention Center And Department Of Pathology Shimane Medical University
Yamori Yukio
Japan Stroke Prevention Center
Horie Ryoichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center
Yamori Yukio
Japan Stroke Prevention Center And Department Of Pathology Shimane Medical University
Nara Yasuo
Japan Stroke Prevention Center
OHTAKA Michiya
Japan Stroke Prevention Center
Ooshima Akira
Japan Stroke Prevention Center
Kihara Masahiro
Japan Stroke Prevention Center
Japan Stroke Prevention Center
Japan Stroke Prevention Center. Izumo,Department of Neurosurgery Faculty of Medlcme Kyoto Unversity
Japan Stroke Prevention Center. Izumo,Department of Neurosurgery Faculty of Medlcme Kyoto Unversity
Akiguchi Ichiro
Department Of Gerontology Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University Kyoto Japan
Ohta Kiyoe
Department of Neurosurgeruy, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
Horie Ryoichi
Department Of Hematology Faculty Of Medicine Kitasato University
Horie Ryoichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Nara Yasuo
Department Of Pharmacy School Of Pharmacy Shujitsu University
Nara Yasuo
就実大学 薬学部応用薬学
Nara Yasuo
Yamori Yukio
Who Collaborating Center
Nara Y
Univ. East Asia Shimonoseki Jpn
Yamori Yukio
Departments Of Pathology Shimane Medical University
Mano Masayuki
Japan Stroke Prevention Center and Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Japan Stroke Prevention Center
Ikeda K
Department Of Pharmacy Mukogawa Women's University
Horie Ryoichi
Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Tezukayama Gakuin College
Ohtaka Michiya
Public Health Bureau Ministry Of Health & Welfare Tokyo Japan
Handa Hajime
Department Of Neurosurgery And Pharmacology Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Horie Ryoichi
Department Of Pathology Shimane Medical University
Akiguchi Ichiro
Japan Stroke Prevention Center
Ooshima Akira
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Lovenberg Walter
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Institute of Health Science
OHTA Kiyoe
Japan Stroke Prevention Center
HANDA Hajime
Japan Stroke Prevention Center
Kameyama Masakuni
Department of Gerontology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
HORIE Ryoichi
Department of and Neurosurgery, Kyoto University
Mitani Fumiko
Department Of Biochemistry Keio University School Of Medicine
Kawai Chuichi
Department Of 3rd Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Kihara Masahiro
Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Kitamura Yuko
Tezukayama Gakuin College
Kanbe Toshimi
Department Of Toxicology Tokushima Research Institute Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Ooshima Akira
Department Of Pathology Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
ITOKAWA Yoshinori
Department of Hygiene
Japan Stroke Prevention Center (JSPC) and Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University, Izumo
Section on Biochemical Pharmacology, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryl
Lovenberg Walter
Section On Biochemical Pharmacology National Heart Lung And Blood Institute Nih Bethesda Maryland 20
Sasagawa Sukenari
Department Of Hygiene Kinki University School Of Medicine
Kameyama Masakuni
Department Of Medicine Sumitomo Hospital
Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
HANDA Hajime
Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
Yamori Yukio
Japan Stroke Prevention Center and Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical university
Department of Hygiene, Kinki University School of Medicine
Nishiguchi Yoshinori
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Department of Pathology Shimane Medical University
Kihara Masahiro
Japan Stroke Prevention Center and Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Fujiwara Keigo
Japan Stroke Prevention Center and Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Nakanishi Akifumi
Shimane Prefectural Central Hospital
Lovenberg Walter
Section on Biochemical Pharmacology
Ooshima Akira
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Deparment of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Tanase Hisao
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Institute of Health Science
Hansen Carl
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Institute of Health Science
Fukase Masaichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Institute of Health Science
Tagami Motoki
Japan and Sanraku Hospital
Horie Ryoichi
Dept. of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
OHTA Kiyoe
Departments of Pathology, Faulty of Medicine, Kyoto University
Naitoh Yasushi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Department of Pathology Shimane Medical University
Fujikawa Jun
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Department of Pathology Shimane Medical University
Fujikawa Jun
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Horie Ryoichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center and Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Departments of Hygiene, Faulty of Medicine, Kyoto University
Ohtaka Michiya
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Department of Pathology Shimane Medical University
Ohtaka Michiya
Division of Tuberculosis and Chronic Diseases, Ministry of Health and Welfare
Horie Ryoichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Deparment of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Iritani Nobuko
Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, Tezukayama Women College
Fujishin Shigeharu
Japan Stroke Prevention Center
Skolasinska Krystyna
Academy of Medicine
Horie Ryoichi
Dept. of Pathology, and Neurosurgery, Shimane Medical Univ.
Horie Ryoichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Institute of Health Science
Ikeda Katsumi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center and Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Ikeda Katsumi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Shimane Medical University
Hong Wang
Japan Stroke Prevention Center
Kihara Masahiro
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Shimane Medical University
Ikeda Katsumi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Deparment of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Ikeda Katsumi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Institute of Health Science
Horie Ryoichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center, Department of Pathology Shimane Medical University
Kihara Masahiro
Japan Stroke Prevention Center (JSPC)
- Analysis of an Unidentified Plasma Protein in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR)
- Genetic and Environmental Modification of Spontaneous Hypertension : III. Essential Hypertension : SYMPOSIUM ON GENE-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES
- Sex Difference in Cerebrovascular Atherogenesis in Rats-A Preliminaly Report
- Organ Specificity of Vascular Lesions in SHR
- Analysis of Lethal Course of Stroke-Prone SHR
- Lipoprotein Profiles of SHR and Various Normotensive Rats
- Effect of Chronic Excessive Potassium Intake on the Development of Hypertension and Stroke in Stoke-prone SHR
- Clinico Pathological Observation of the Liver in SHRSP
- Quantitative Analysis of Normal Vectorcardiography (VCG) in Rats and Its Standardization
- Regional Cerebral Blood Flow (rCBF) in Stroke-prone SHR (SHRSP) Treated with β-Blocker (Propranol)
- Specific gravity in the meassurement of cerebral edema in rats:effect of steroid
- Glucose Metabolism in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- Immunohistochemical Localization of Prolyl Hydroxylase in Cardiovascular Tissues of Hypertensive Rats
- Prophylactic Trials for Stroke in Stroke-prone SHR:(4) Mechanism of Prevention by Dietary Protein
- NIH Substrain of Stroke-prone SHR:international cooperative studies (1)
- Analysis of Serum Protein in SHR
- Preventive Effect on Stroke of a Calcium Antagonist and Its Mechanisms in SHR
- Effect of NaCl on Cerebral Stroke and Cerebrovascular Atherogenesis in Rats
- Effect of Acute Arterial Hypertension in Stroke-prone and Stroke-resistant SHR
- Effect of Sympathectomy on Cerebrovascular Fat Deposition in Renal Infarction Hypertensive Rats
- Vascular Reactivity in Rats on Various Diets
- Collagen-Mediated Platelet Aggregation in SHR and Stroke-Prone SHR
- Fibrinolytic and Coagulation Systems in the Blood Vessels in Stroke-prone SHR (SHRSP)
- Biomembrane Characteristics in Stroke-prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRSP)
- Amino Acid Analysis of Vascular Collagen in SHR
- Chronic Effect of a High-Fat Diet on the Heart of Spontaneously Hypertensive and Normotensive Rats
- Effect of Chronic Potassium Chloride (KCl) Loading on Blood Pressure (BP) and Stroke in SHRSP
- Vectorcardiographic Features in the Young SHR
- Further Studies on the Mechanisms of Stroke in Stroke-Prone SHR:Decrease in Regional Cerebral Blood Flow and Catecholamine Depletion
- Genetic Analysis of Severe Hypertension in Stroke-prone SHR (SHRSP):Preliminary Report
- Effect of Cervical Syrnpathectomy on Cerebrovascular Atherogenesis in SHR
- Hypertension and Atherogenesis in Animal Models:A New Aspect on the Relationship
- Significance of Diffuse α Pattern in the EEG of Stroke-prone SHR (SHRSP)
- Structural Vascular Alteration in Relation to Cardiac Hypertrophy in SHR
- Glucose Tolerance Test in Hypertensive Rats and Humans
- Correlation between Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Coronary Arterial Wall Thickening in SHR
- Incidence of Cerebral and Spinal Vascular Lesions in Stroke-prone SHR (SHRSP):Pathohistological and Electromyographical Confirmation
- Cerebral Blood Vessel Response to L-dopa and Inhibitor of Peripheral Decarboxylase in Stroke-prone SHR (SHRSP), Stroke-resistant SHR (SHRSR) and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) Rats
- Change in Collagen Types of The Rat Aorta with Aging and Hypertension
- Vectorcardiographical Studies on Spontaneous and Experimental "Myocardial Infarction" in Rats
- Ion Permeability of Erythrocyte Membrane in SHR
- Nonspecific Esterase Isozymes in the Cardiovascular System in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR)
- Ring-like Fat Deposition in the Spinal Arteries and Its Predilection Sites
- Prophylactic Trials for Stroke in Stroke-prone SHR:(3) Amino Acid Analyses of Various Diets and Their Prophylactic Effect
- Effect of High Fat-cholesterol (HFC) Diet on the Microviscosity and Phospholipid/Cholesterol Ratio of Erythrocytes in Stroke-prone SHR (SHRSP)
- Effect of High Fat Cholesterol Diet on Cerebrovascular Circulation and the Heart in Stroke-Prone SHR
- Genetic Subgrouping of Stroke-prone SHR and Stroke-resistant SHR
- Significance of Cerebral Blood Flow in the Mechanism of Stroke in Stroke-prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRSP):Evidence Obtained by Acute Ischemic Hypoxia