日本地球化学会 | 論文
- 酸素配位のハードな配位子に対する金属イオンの反応性の精密評価
- 日本全国沿岸海域の地球化学図の作成と元素の分布特性
- チリ海溝のプチスポット火山
- Carbon and oxygen isotopic ratios of carbonates filling gaps in the Ogi basalt, Sado-ga-shima, Niigata, Japan
- Lead isotopes in mantle derived xenoliths from Japan and South Africa.
- 六甲花崗岩地域における河川水の主成分および希土類元素の組成について
- Diurnal and seasonal variations in isoprene emission from live oak.
- Saratov隕石(L4)に含まれる始原的希ガス成分Qの熱変成による変化
- Raman spectroscopic study of the noble gas carrier Q in the Allende meteorite
- Allende隕石中の希ガス同位体分析
- ラウ海盆海底熱水系における熱水鉱床生成
- Chemical and isotopic characterization of the thermomineral water of Terme Sibarite springs (Northern Calabria, Italy)
- Stable isotope composition of the modern freshwater bivalve Corbicula fluminea
- 北九州市平尾台の生物誘導型炭酸塩トゥファの堆積環境
- 重金属元素同位体比を指標とした泥炭コア試料中の人為起源大気放出亜鉛の定量的解析
- 化学種解析及び同位体比測定に基づく室内塵と保育園土壌に含まれる重金属元素の起源解明
- High-spatial resolution U-Pb dating of phosphate minerals in Martian meteorite Allan Hills 84001
- Radioactive halos as possible indicators for geochemical processes in magmatites.
- Geochemical difference of basalts between polygenetic and monogenetic volcanoes in the central part of the Cameroon volcanic line.
- On the change of 3He/4He ratios in hot spring gases after The Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008