一般社団法人 日本てんかん学会 | 論文
- Regional cerebral blood flow in epileptic children using 123I-IMP SPECT.
- Three cases of reflex epilepsy evoked by non-linguistic higher cerebral activities.
- タイトル無し
- Children with Centro-temporal EEG Foci.
- Clinical study of intractable epilepsy. First report Analysis of factors associated with intractability.:First Report: Analysis of Factors Associated with Intractability
- 1歳未満発症のけいれん性疾患の長期予後一発作型を中心として一
- Prognosis of complex partial seizures in children. Analysis of clinico-electroencephalographic features prognostic of poor seizure outcome.:Analysis of Clinico-electroencephalographic Features Prognostic of Poor Seizure Outcome
- Clinical Study of Intractable Epilepsy in the First Year of Life
- 小児のけいれん重積状態治療におけるmidazolamの有用性
- An Analogue of Joro Spider Toxin Selectively Suppresses Limbic Seizure Induced by Quisqualate Receptor Agonists.
- Antiepleptic effect of calcium entory blocker(flunarizine) in children with intractable epilepsy.
- Laterality of Ictal Symptoms in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- Effect of Parenteral Pentylenetetrazol on Amygdaloid and Frontal Cortical Kindling in Cats
- Facilitation effect of GABaergic projection from substantia nigra to pedunculopontine nucleus on pentylenetetrazol induced seizures.
- Subjective and Objective Premonitory Symptoms as Epileptic Prodromes
- Tonic Spasms Preceeded by Partial Seizures in a Case of Focal Pachygyria.
- Clinico-electroencephalographical study of epilepsy with occipital seizure discharges.
- てんかんと精神病-精神症状とその発症にかかわる因子の検討-
- The Clinical Evaluation of Clorazepate for Refractory Childhood Epilepsies.
- Anticonvulsant Effects of GABA Uptake Inhibitors: Their Profile of Action in the Rat Kindling Model of Epilepsy.:Their Profile of Action in the Rat Kindling Model of Epilepsy