一般社団法人 日本てんかん学会 | 論文
- A clinical trial of zonisamide on adults and children with refractory epilepsy. Thirtyfive cases with a long administration for more than one year.:Thirtyfive Cases with a Long Administration for More than One Year
- A Case of Late-Onset Cryptogenic/Symptomatic Generalized Epilepsy with Prolonged Speech Disturbances Accompanied by Bilateral Paroxysmal Discharges
- Periictal Psychosis. In Comparison with Interictal Psychosis.:In Comparison with Interictal Psychosis
- A Case with Excessive "Kohaerenz" (Weizsaecker) as Ictal Experience and Hypomania following Complex Partial Seizures.
- Neuropsychological evaluation related to epilepsy with continuous spike waves during slow sleep(CSWS) or frequent generalized spike waves. Reports of three cases showing remarkable electroencephalographical and clinical improvement in a short period.:Repo
- One case of temporal lobectomy. About relationship between seizures and psychosis.:about relationship between seizures and psychosis
- 抗てんかん薬服用者にみられた髄液アミノ酸組成の異常-抗てんかん薬による asterixis との関連-
- Clinical Significance of Early Response to Treatment in Antiepileptic Drug Therapy. With Special Reference to Long-term Prognosis and Therapy of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.:with Special Reference to Long-term Prognosis and Therapy of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- 小児てんかん
- A clinical and electroencephalographic study of myoclonic epilepsies in infancy and early childhood. Part 2. Idiopathic myoclonic epilepsy with benign prognosis.:Part 2. Idiopathic Myoclonic Epilepsy with Benign Prognosis
- A study of amygdaloid kindling in kittens.
- Effects of Immobilization Stress on Epileptic Seizures in Hippocampal-kindled Rats.
- Clinical trial of zonisamide, a new antiepileptic drug, in cases of refractory childhood epilepsy.
- Electroclinical analysis of the peculiar partial epilepsy combined with minor motor seizures during their clinical course.
- Arachnoid Cysts and Epilepsy in Children: The Relationships betwen EEG Findings and Cyst Locus and Volume.:The Relationships between EEG Findings and Cyst Locus and Volume
- Histological Study of Epileptic Focus Induced by Ferrous Chloride
- Problems in Disclosure of the Diagnosis and Adaptation to School Life for the Out-patients with Epilepsy in the Pediatric Neurology Clinics.
- Effectiveness and plasma levels of clonazepam in the treatment of absence seizures.
- A clinical study on the effectiveness of intermittent therapy with rectal diazepam suppositories for the prevention of recurrent febrile convulsions. A further study.
- A Study of Atypical Benign Partial Epilepsy of Childhood (ABPE) by Means of Long Term EEG Recording.