- 論文の詳細を見る
A winding1ess motor using the repu1sive force of permanentmagnets is presented.By driving on1y one side permanent magnet using themicromotor, the motor was rotated stab1y resu1ting fromthe repu1sive force of permanent magnets at that time.The comparab1e 1arge torque of motor was derived.In spite of the scantines of necessary e1ectric powerof micromotor, the torque of motor reached to many timesover of that of micromotor.However, it is a weak point of this motor to be ob1igedto use the micromotor.At the present time, this motor is considered as thesubstitution of stir1ing engine in the water power generationby the solar energy.In that study, it is considered that the power generationis capab1e in every times and the increase ofgenerated energy is obtained, as the power generationcomes to be not depended upon the solar energy.
- 福井大学工学部の論文
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