- 論文の詳細を見る
It is considered generally that the process and style of high voltage low current arc deterioration of electrical insulating materials differ somewhat depending upon the testing condition, resulting in a considerable difference in their arc resistances. In this paper, the effects of the size of electrical insulating material, its spatial configuration, its geometrical form, the electrode arrangement for. it and the electrode shape on high voltage low current arc resistance were examined in order to obtain the fundamental data of arc resistance of insulating materials in practical electrical equipments. The test procedure was similar to the ASTM D 495-71 standard method, and in the most experiment the plate type electrodes were contacted closely with a test sample under 50±5 g weight, and the arc was stabilized by sharpening the tips of electrodes to 30°. The electrode gap length was 6〜50 mm and the max. applied voltage was 50 kV. The arc intermittence time was the same as that of the ASTM method. For the variation of arc current due to the differences in electrode shape, electrode gap length and applied voltage, the current control resistance of primary circuit was adjusted in the test circuit so as to maintain the same current as that of ASTM method. Furthermore, the morphological consideration of arc deterioration path and the tests at various testing times in each of the test steps of the ASTM method were carried out to investigate the process of arc deterioration. The results obtained are summarized as follows : (1) The effects of all the variables tested on arc resistance were as large as that of the property of insulating materials. (2) The deterioration path starts to form on the outside, generally a part from the electrode axis, and it deflects easily. The deflection angle found most frequently was 140〜150°. (3) The arc deterioration of insulating materials did not proceed uniformly, and the process of deterioration in the first stage differed from that in the last stage. Direct processes were also observed in various insulating materials.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1977-12-15
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