- 論文の詳細を見る
Fuji Goko (or Fuji Five Lakes) are located in the northern skirt of Mt. Fuji. The area is situated at the northernmost part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Part and is one of the most famous mountain resorts of this country. The five lakes consist of Yamanaka-ko, Kawaguchi-ko, Sai-ko, Shoji-ko and Motosu-ko lying from east to west. Among these waters, Kawaguchi-ko has the lowest surface level, that is 830 meters above sea level, and Yamanaka-ko the highest at 982 meters. Field surveys were in August, 1980 and in March, May, August and October, 1981. Most materials were collected with a plankton net and were fixed with formalin or glutharaldehyde. The fixed specimens are deposited in the herbarium of the National Science Museum, Tsukuba Botanical Garden (TNS). The materials are partly maintained in a culture room for further studies. Among the 240 taxa of phytoplankton enumerated in Table 1,197 taxa are newly added to the algal flora of Fuji Goko. The number of taxa discovered in each lake is : 142 in Shoji-ko; 119 in Kawaguchi-ko; 96 in Yamanaka-ko; 82 in Sai-ko and 47 in Motosuko (Table 1,2). In the case of Yamanaka-ko, the relative number of diatom taxa to a total number of algae is considerably small and the relative number of euglenophycean and chlorophycean algae is large. Most of those eugleno-and chlorophycean algae, however, were found only in materials collected in a shallow water near Misaki camp site on the northern shore of the lake. Descriptions of each taxon and some taxonomic notes will be given elsewhere in the other paper.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1982-12-01
渡辺 真之
山岸 高旺
大島 海一
山岸 高旺/大島
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