Applicability of Laser Imaging System Using a Near Infrared Laser to Measure Density Fluctuations in High-Temperature Plasmas
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A new type of laser imaging method using a near infrared laser rather than a CO2 one (10.6 μm) is developed and its applicability to the density fluctuation measurement in high-temperature plasmas is evaluated. A near-infrared yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) laser system is installed on the Compact Helical System (CHS) at the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS). The applicability of this laser imaging method to a middle sized toroidal device is tested. The minimum detectable signal level of $6.9\times 10^{11}$ cm-2 for the density fluctuation has been obtained, which is required for practical use.
- 2004-05-15
National Institute for Fusion Science
Department of Energy Conversion, Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
Iguchi Harukazu
National Institute For Fusion Science
National Institute for Fusion Science
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Uchida Nana
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Kado Shinichiro
High Temperature Plasma Center The University Of Tokyo
Kado Shinichiro
High Temperature Plasma Center, The University of Tokyo, 2-11-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku 113-8656, Japan
Matsuoka Keisuke
National Institute for Fusion Science, Oroshi 322-6, Toki 509-5292, Japan
Kawakubo Masafumi
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Wajirohigashi 3-30-1 Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 811-0295, Japan
Iguchi Harukazu
National Institute for Fusion Science, Oroshi 322-6, Toki 509-5292, Japan
Matsuo Keiji
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Wajirohigashi 3-30-1 Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 811-0295, Japan
Okamura Shoichi
National Institute for Fusion Science, Oroshi 322-6, Toki 509-5292, Japan
Uchida Nana
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Wajirohigashi 3-30-1 Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 811-0295, Japan
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