Capability of Measuring Intensity of Plasma-Density Fluctuation by the Fraunhofer-Diffraction Method
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1985-05-20
Department of Energy Conversion, Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
MURAOKA Katsunori
Department of Energy Conversion, Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
AKAZAKI Masanori
Department of Energy Conversion,Graduate School of Engineering Sciences,Kyushu University
Matsuo Keiji
Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Akazaki M
Kyushu Univ. Kasuga Jpn
Akazaki Masanori
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Engineering Sciences Kyushu University
Akazaki Masanori
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Kumamoto University
SONODA Yoshihiro
Department of Energy Conversion,Graduate School of Engineering Sciences,Kyushu University
Sonoda Yoshihiro
Department Of Computational Science And Engineering Grad. Sch. Of Engineering Nagoya University
Sonoda Yoshihiro
Department Of Energy Conversion Graduate School Of Engineering Sciences Kyushu University
Muraoka Katsunori
Department Of Applied Science For Electronics And Materials Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Eng
Matsuo Keiji
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Wajirohigashi 3-30-1 Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 811-0295, Japan
- 26aB13 ECRスパッタリングプラズマ制御による単結晶薄膜の成長(ヘリカル/プラズマ応用)
- 7. プラズマ計測 (ITER物理R&Dの成果)
- レーザ誘雷シミュレータによる放電誘導の検討
- 直流電界下でのレーザによるリーダ誘発の検討
- 直流高電界のプラズマ生成および放電誘導に及ぼす影響
- 負極性直流電界下の平板対棒電極間のレーザ誘導放電
- プラズマ中の電界のレーザー分光法による新しい計測法の開発
- Applicability of Laser Phase Contrast Method for the Measurements of Electron Density Fluctuations in High-Temperature Plasmas
- Application of Fraunhofer-Diffraction Method for Measurements of Electron Density Fluctuations in Heliotron E
- Studies of Particle Behaviour in Heliotron E by Means of Balmer-Alpha Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Effect of Laser-Induced Dissociation during Measurements of Hydrogen Atoms in Silane Plasmas Using Two-Photon-Excited Laser-Induced Fluorescence
- Studies of a Magnetic Neutral Loop Discharge Based on Laser Diagnostics of Electron Behavior and Atomic Processes
- Electron Temperature and Density Profiles in a Neutral Loop Discharge Plasma
- レーザ放電誘導機構の解明(2)
- エキシマレーザー用ガスの光電離特性の研究
- XeClエキシマレーザ光励起による大気中棒対棒電極の 長ギャップ負極性インパルス放電の形成過程
- 紫外・赤外レーザ併用による放電誘導特性の向上
- 電界計測による長ギャップレーザ誘導放電のリーダ進展メカニズムの基礎的検討
- レーザプラズマチャネルによる避雷針の遮蔽空間の検討
- レーザ生成プラズマによるガス密度の変化と放電誘導
- XeClエキシマレーザ生成弱電離領域中のリーダの進展様相
- レーザによる正極性リーダの放電誘導特性
- レーザ生成プラズマによるガス密度の希薄化と放電誘導
- 放電誘導機構に関するレーザ生成プラズマの特性
- XeClエキシマレーザを用いた放電ガイドの長距離化
- 放電誘導におけるレーザー生成プラズマの特性
- One-Dimensional Simulation of Photo-Detached Electrons in Negative lon Plasmas
- Enhancement and Suppression of Density Fluctuations around Electron Drift Frequency in Heliotron E Plasmas Measured Using CO_2 Laser Phase Contrast Method
- Characteristics of Electron Density Fluctuations in Heliotron E Measured Using a Wide Beam Laser Phase Contrast Method
- ITERの核融合燃焼制御と計測システム
- レーザー位相差法による高イオン温度ヘリオトロンEプラズマの電子密度揺動計測
- Criteria of Applicability of Laser Thomson Scattering Measurements ofElectron Properties in Reactive Plasmas
- Thomson Scattering Measurement of Electron Density and Temperature of a Microwave Plasma Produced in a Hydrogen Gas at a Moderate Pressure
- グロー放電プラズマのレーザートムソン散乱による研究
- プラズマ中の電界のレーザー分光法による新しい計測法に関する研究
- A Thomson Scattering Measurement System based on an Infrared laser
- Detection Limit of Laser Thomson Scattering for Low Density Discharge Plasmas
- Measurement of the Neutral Particle Density in an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma by Rayleigh Scattering
- Thomson Scattering Diagnostics of an ECR Processing Plasma
- 24pQJ-7 LHDとJT-60Uにおける密度分布と乱流揺動の比較(24pQJ 核融合プラズマ(輸送・閉じ込め(2)/揺動・乱流特性),領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
- Laser Thomson Scattering Measurements of Electron Density and Temperature Profiles of a Striated Plasma in a Plasma Display Panel (PDP)-Like Discharge
- Thomson Scattering Diagnostics of Glow Discharge Plasmas Produced in Raman Active Gases
- 8. 計測 : ITER計画における物理R&Dの活動の概要
- 希薄揮発性有機物のゼオライト吸着による濃縮とバリア放電の組合せによる除去
- Dependence of Evolution of Field Reconnection at Coil End Region on Mirror Field in FRC Formation Stage
- Observation of the Anomalous Swelling of a Local Magnetic Field in a Linear Theta Pinch
- Ion Saturation Current in a Orbital Motion Limited Region
- 誘雷模擬装置による放電空間中の電界測定
- 誘雷模擬装置の直流電界計測用光応用電界センサの開発
- 誘雷模擬実験のための直流電界計測用光電界センサを用いた基礎実験
- Improvement of the Laser Phase Contrast Method for Measuring the Spatial Distribution of Electron Density Fluctuations in Heliotron E
- Development of Laser Imaging Method for Measurements of Electron Density Fluctuations in Plasmas
- Capability of Measuring Intensity of Plasma-Density Fluctuation by the Fraunhofer-Diffraction Method
- 25pB06 AC-PDPにおける放電発光動的過程の解析的検討(プラズマ基礎・応用I)
- Measurements of Atomic Hydrogen-Density Profiles in the RFC-XX-M Machine Using Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy at the H_α Transition
- Optimum Discharge Condition of DC Bias Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Sputtering for High Quality Si Epitaxial Growth
- ダイヤモンド薄膜作製におけるプラズマ内粒子挙動のレーザー応用計測
- マイクロ放電プラズマ計測用トムソン散乱システムの開発
- Measurement of Velocity Distribution Function of Metal Atoms by Laser Resonance Scattering
- Absolute Density Measurement of Metal Atoms by Laser Resonance Scattering with the Aid of Rayleigh Scattering
- Simultaneous Recording of Two-Wavelength Interferometer Outputs of an Atmospheric Impulse Breakdown Process
- Studies of an Impulse Spark Using Two-Wavelength Interferometry
- A Study of Sheath Electric Fields in Planar Magnetron Discharges using Laser Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Analysis of Sheath Electric Fields in a Radio-Frequency Discharge in Helium
- Applicability of Laser Imaging System Using a Near Infrared Laser to Measure Density Fluctuations in High-Temperature Plasmas
- Heating and Particle Diffusion due to Lower-Hybrid Resonant Parametrie Instability
- Observation of Transition from Resonant to Nonresonant Lower-Hybrid Parametric Decay Process
- Effects of the Collisional Damping on a Nonresonant Parametric Instability near the Lower-Hybrid Frequency
- Effect of Ion Acoustic Waves on Diffusion in a Magnetized Plasma
- Measurement of Low-Frequency Ultrasonic Waves by Fraunhofer Diffraction
- A Method for Measurement of Ion Temperature in a Low Pressure Magnetized Plasma
- Picosecond VUV Anti-Stokes Raman Laser Pumped by a KrF Laser
- Enhancement of VUV Generation in Resonant Four-Wave Mixing in Kr Diluted with Xe
- Measurements of Molecular Densities in Low Pressure Discharge Plasmas Using Laser Raman Scattering
- Absolute Density Measurement of a Pulsed H_2 Gas Jet Used for Extreme Ultraviolet Generation by Nonlinear Frequency Conversion
- Resonant Third-Harmomic Generation of ArF Laser in H_2 and Kr Gas Jets at 64 nm
- Seed-Atom Density Profiles in a Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate in MHD Combustion Gas Plasmas : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- Effect of Intensity Perturbation in CO_2 Laser Beams on Plasma Formation
- 2-D Plasma Beads Analysis for Realizing Elongation of Induced Discharge
- Instantaneous Temperature Measurement in a Flame by Rapid-Frequency-Scan Laser Spectroscopy
- Diamond Nucleation Enhancement on Si by Controlling Ion-Bombardment Energy in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma
- Effect of Secondary Electrons on Electrostatic Energy Converion of Fast Ion Beams
- Laser Scattering Diagnostics of an Atmospheric Impulse Arc
- Near-Resonant Rayleigh Scattering Method for Measurements of Alkali Atomic Density in Combustion Gas Plasmas
- SONRES for Measurement of Relative Spatial Seed Distribution in Channel of MHD Power Generator
- Application of Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy by Two-Photon Excitation into Atomic Hydrogen Density Measurement in Reactive Plasmas
- Coaxial Laser Fluorescence System by Two-Photon Excitation for Atomic Hydrogen Detection in High-Temperature Plasmas
- In-Situ Measurement of Sputtering Yield of Graphite by VUV Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Determination of Atomic Hydrogen Density by Lyman-Alpha Baser Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Thomson Scattering Diagnostics of a Discharge-Pumped Excimer Laser
- Identification and Role of Low-Frequency Microinstability in RFC-XX-M Studied by the Fraunhofer-Diffraction Method
- Measurements of Plasma-Waves by the Fraunhofer-Diffraction Method at Two-Point Intersections
- Measurement of Plasma Waves by Fraunhofer Diffraction Method in Microwave Region
- Laser Resonance Scattering Studies of the Development of a Potential Step in a Low-Density DC Discharge in Hydrogen
- Measurement of Preferential Sputtering of Iron-Oxides Using Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- Observation of Balmer-Alpha Line Profile of Hydrogen Atoms in Plasmas by Rapid-Frequency-Scan laser Spectroscopy : Waves, Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Velocity-Distribution Functions of Sputtered Atoms Caused by Insufficiently Developed Collision-Cascades
- Transient Change in the Velocity Distribution Functions of Sputtered Atoms during Initial Dose in Ion-Beam Bombardment
- A Proposal for Local Magnetic-Field Measurement in High-Temperature Plasma Devices Using a Rapid-Frequency-Scan Laser
- Applicability of Laser Imaging System Using a Near Infrared Laser to Measure Density Fluctuations in High-Temperature Plasmas