Energetic Ion Measurements Using a Directional Probe
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A directional Langmuir probe (DLP) method has been applied to measurement of energetic particles (ions) in a magnetically confined plasma. Two experimental demonstrations were performed in the compact helical system (CHS). One was a neutral beam modulation experiment and the other was the measurement of energetic ion loss induced by MHD bursts. The results of the DLP were consistent with those of a neutral particle analyzer (NPA) and a lost ion probe (LIP). These experiments show that this method is applicable outside and also inside the last closed flux surface.
- 社団法人 プラズマ・核融合学会の論文
ISOBE Mitsutaka
National Insitute for Fusion Science
National Insitute for Fusion Science
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 801-1 Mukoyama, Naka 311-0193, Japan
National Institute for Fusion Science
Shimizu Akihiro
National Inst. For Fusion Sci. Toki 509-5292 Jpn
National Institute for Fusion Science
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
- Excitation of Stable Alfvén Eigenmodes by Application of Alternating Magnetic Field Perturbations in the Compact Helical System
- Stability and Confinement Studies of High-Performance NBI Plasmas in the Large Helical Device Toward a Steady-State Helical Fusion Reactor
- Increase of Central Ion Temperature after Carbon Pellet Injection in Ne-Seeded NBI Discharges of LHD
- Achievement of 10 keV Central Electron Temperatures by ECH in LHD
- Measurement of Edge Density Profiles and Fluctuations in the H-Mode Discharge of the Compact Helical System (CHS) with a Thermal Neutral Lithium Beam Probe
- Effect of Plasma Current on Magnetohydrodynamic Modes in Neutral Beam Heated Plasmas in Compact Helical System
- Experimental Observation of Magnetic Fluctuations in NBI Heated Plasmas in CHS
- Comparative Study on Effect of Boronization and Titanium Gettering in Compact Helical System Heliotron/Torsatron Device
- Effect of Rotational Transform and Magnetic Shear on Confinement of Stellarators
- Analysis of Radial Electric Field Bifurcation in LHD Based on Neoclassical Transport Theory
- Transition of Edge Particle Transport in CHS
- Extension of Improved Particle and Energy Confinement Regime in the Core of LHD Plasma
- Multi-Channel Neutron Emission and Triton Burn-up Measurement on JT-60U Using Digital Signal Processors
- Causal Relationship between Zonal Flow and Turbulence in a Toroidal Plasma(Gases, plasmas, electric discharges, and beams)
- Neutron and Fast Atom Spectrometry Using Natural Diamond Detectors
- Measurement of Space Potential Fluctuations During MHD Activities in a Toroidal Helical Plasma with a Heavy Ion Beam Probe
- Improvement in Plasma Heating at Higher-Density Region Using 106.4GHz Electron Cyclotron Heating System for Compact Helical System(Gases, plasmas, electric discharges, and beams)
- A New Method to Analyze Density Fluctuation by Microwave Reflectometry
- Applicability of Laser Imaging System Using a Near Infrared Laser to Measure Density Fluctuations in High-Temperature Plasmas
- Physics of Heliotron J Confinement
- Effect of Halo Neutrals on Fast-Ion Charge Exchange Spectroscopy Measurements in LHD
- Progress in Impurity-Related Physics Experiments in LHD
- Far Infrared Laser Diagnostics on the Compact Helical System
- Potential Measurement with the 6-MeV Heavy Ion Beam Probe of LHD
- Production of Sub-MeV Positive Gold Ion Beams with Various Gas Targets to Improve the Tandem Accelerator of the LHD-HIBP
- Turbulence Response in the High Ti Discharge of the LHD
- Parameter Regime of Ion Internal Transport Barrier Formation in the Large Helical Device
- Real-Time Control of Beam Trajectories Using Digital Signal Processor for the Heavy Ion Beam Probe on the Large Helical Device
- Neutral Gas Compression in the Helical Divertor with a Baffle Structure in the LHD Heliotron
- Electrostatic Potential Measurement by Using 6-MeV Heavy Ion Beam Probe on LHD
- Observation of Edge Reynolds Stress Increase Preceding an L-H Transition in Compact Helical System
- Measurement of Edge Plasma Heat Flux in Heliotron J Using a Thermal Probe
- Improvement of Ion Confinement in Core Electron-Root Confinement (CERC) Plasmas in Large Helical Device
- Configuration Effects on Local Transport in High-Beta LHD Plasmas
- Discriminating Acquisition of 15-MeV Protons from D-3He Fusion Reaction in LHD
- Experimental Conditions for Electron Bernstein Wave Heating Using EC Waves Injected from High-Field Side in CHS
- Applicability of Laser Imaging System Using a Near Infrared Laser to Measure Density Fluctuations in High-Temperature Plasmas
- Triggering Instability of Sawtooth Crash in NBI-Heated Plasmas of CHS Heliotron/Torsatron
- Transition of Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmode to Global Alfvén Eigenmode in CHS Heliotron/Torsatron Plasmas Heated by Neutral Beam Injection
- Optical Measurement of Cesium Behavior in a Large H− Ion Source for a Neutral Beam Injector
- Evaluation of Fast-Ion Confinement Using a Radially Injected Neutral Beam in the LHD
- Role of Negative Potential Barrier Formed by Electrons Confined in the Stochastic Magnetic Region of Helical Nonneutral Plasmas
- Design Study of a Lost Fast-Ion Probe in Large Helical Device
- Beam Ion Losses Caused by Magnetic Field Ripples in Various Plasma Parameter Ranges in the Large Helical Device
- Conceptual Design of Electron Density Measurement System for DEMO-Relevant Helical Plasmas
- Nonlinear Hybrid Simulations of Energetic Particle Modes in Realistic Tokamak Flux Surface Geometry
- Experimental Check of Deceleration of Neutral Beam-Injected Energetic Ions in the HL-2A Tokamak
- A Quasi-Coherent Electrostatic Mode in ECRH Plasmas on TJ-II
- Observation of Fast Ion Losses Induced by Various MHD Modes Driven by Fast Ions and Bulk Plasma Pressure in the Large Helical Device
- Design Consideration on Compact Neutron Pinhole Camera with Nuclear Emulsion for Energetic-Ion Profile Diagnostics
- Present Status in the Development of 6 MeV Heavy Ion Beam Probe on LHD
- Study on the Calibration of LHD Neutron Monitoring System
- Study of Edge Transport Barrier Formation on CHS Plasma
- Characterization of Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning Using Material Probes in LHD
- Neutron Emission Profile Measurement and Fast Charge Exchange Neutral Particle Flux Measurement for Transport Analysis of Energetic Ions in JT-60U
- Recipe for Fabricating Zeolite Ion Source for Plasma Probing
- Formation of Electron-Root Radial Electric Field and its Effect on Thermal Transport in LHD High Te Plasma
- Charge fraction measurements for heavy particle beams generated by the tandem accelerator with MCP system
- Fast-Ion-Diagnostics for CHS Experiment
- Escaping Ion Measurement with High Time Resolution during Bursting Modes Induced by Neutral Beam Injection on CHS
- Observation of Low Frequency MHD Mode Driven by Energetic Particles in Large Helical Device Plasmas with Strong Interchange Mode Activities
- ECW/EBW Heating and Current Drive Experiment Results and Prospects for CW Operation in QUEST
- Visualization of H− Dynamics in Extraction Region of Negative-Ion Source by Hα Imaging Spectroscopy
- Experimental Study of Nonlinear Processes in Edge Turbulence of Toroidal Plasmas
- Density Regimes of Complete Detachment and Serpens Mode in LHD
- Characteristics of Radiating Collapse at the Density Limit in the Large Helical Device
- Determination of the Major Impurity Radiators in the Reheat Mode Discharges in the Compact Helical System
- Electron Bernstein Wave Heating through Slow X-B Mode Conversion in CHS
- O-X-B Heating of Overdense Plasmas by 54.5 GHz Electron Cyclotron Waves in CHS
- Ion Heating Experiments Using Perpendicular Neutral Beam Injection in the Large Helical Device
- Plasma Potential in Toroidal Devices: T-10, TJ-II, CHS and LHD
- Observation of the Effect of Energetic Ions on Pellet Ablation in the Large Helical Device
- Laser Scattering Measurement of the Electron Density Fluctuations in CHS
- Energetic Ion Measurements Using a Directional Probe
- Characteristic Formation of Edge Transport Barrier in the Compact Helical System
- Bispectral Analysis of Harmonic Oscillations Measured using Beam Emission Spectroscopy and Magnetic Probes in CHS
- Measurement of Radial Structure of Energetic-Ion-Driven MHD Modes with a Fast Response Hα-Detector Array in the Large Helical Device
- Calibrations of Fast Ion Flux Measurement Using a Hybrid Directional Probe
- Simultaneous Measurements of Proton Ratio and Beam Divergence of Positive-Ion-Based Neutral Beam in the Large Helical Device
- Analysis of Energy Spectra of Fast Ion in the Large Helical Device
- Simulation Study of Energetic Ion Transport due to Alfvén Eigenmodes in LHD Plasma
- Observation of Toroidal Flow on LHD
- Plasma Diagnostics Required for a Heliotron-Type DEMO Reactor
- Neoclassical Transport Properties in High-Ion-Temperature Hydrogen Plasmas in the Large Helical Device (LHD)
- First Observation of High Density Edge Transport Barrier Formation during Reheat Mode of Helical Plasma in CHS
- A Simultaneous Spectroscopic Measurement of the Global and Edge Local Structures in the Ion Temperature and Plasma Rotation Profiles in the Compact Helical System
- Neutral Density Profile Determines the Vorticity of Ion Flow in a Charge Exchange-dominated Plasma.
- Dynamics of Plasma during the Formation of a Weak Negative Central Magnetic Shear Configuration Using Counter Neutral Beam Injection in the JFT-2M Tokamak.
- Comparative Study of Magnetic Field Configurations of LHD and CHS based on the Boundary Shape Analysis
- Charge Fraction Measurements for Heavy Particle Beams Generated by the Tandem Accelerator with MCP System
- Non-Inductive Current Drive by EC Waves in an Inboard Poloidal Magnetic Field Null Configuration on the Spherical Tokamak QUEST
- Bifurcation-Like Behavior of Electrostatic Potential in LHD