Escaping Ion Measurement with High Time Resolution during Bursting Modes Induced by Neutral Beam Injection on CHS
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A bursting mode, whose time scale is a few milliseconds, is excited in low density neutral beam injected plasmas in the compact helical system. A scintillator-based probe equipped with a high speed video camera has been used to investigate the energetic ion losses induced by this fast evolving mode. This instrument reveals loss in a region of the gyroradius and the pitch angle space that occurs only during a burst. Namely, it was found that the bursting mode induces the transport of energetic ions to the region where the energetic ions cannot exist without such an enhanced transport. The dependence of the newly observed loss on the electron density and the neutral beam injected power was also investigated.
ISOBE Mitsutaka
National Insitute for Fusion Science
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 801-1 Mukoyama, Naka 311-0193, Japan
National Institute for Fusion Science
Shimizu Akihiro
National Inst. For Fusion Sci. Toki 509-5292 Jpn
National Institute for Fusion Science
DARROW Douglass
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
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