Plasma Diagnostics Required for a Heliotron-Type DEMO Reactor
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The plasma diagnostics required for a heliotron-type DEMO reactor are discussed in terms of real-time burn control and safe operation of the machine. The minimum diagnostic set having the smallest footprint are essential in DEMO. Neutron transport calculation suggests that the diagnostic components used in existing experiments will deteriorate immediately in a DEMO reactor hall if they are not protected by a neutron shield. Neutron energy spectrometry is a promising diagnostic that is expected to play an important role in diagnosing DEMO plasmas, providing a fusion energy output, fuel ion temperature, ratio of deuteron density nD to triton density nT, and velocity distribution of confined α particles.
- 社団法人 プラズマ・核融合学会の論文
ISOBE Mitsutaka
National Insitute for Fusion Science
National Insitute for Fusion Science
National Insitute for Fusion Science
National Institute for Fusion Science, 322-6 Oroshi, Toki, Gifu 509-5292, Japan
Kato Daiji
National Inst. Fusion Sci. Toki Jpn
SAKAUE Hiroyuki
National Institute for Fusion Science
Akiyama Tsuyoshi
National Cardiovascular Center
GOTO Takuya
National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki 509-5292 Japan
National Institute for Fusion Science
- Excitation of Stable Alfvén Eigenmodes by Application of Alternating Magnetic Field Perturbations in the Compact Helical System
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- Evaluation of Fast-Ion Confinement Using a Radially Injected Neutral Beam in the LHD
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- Study of Edge Transport Barrier Formation on CHS Plasma
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- Fast-Ion-Diagnostics for CHS Experiment
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- Characteristics of Radiating Collapse at the Density Limit in the Large Helical Device
- Determination of the Major Impurity Radiators in the Reheat Mode Discharges in the Compact Helical System
- Effect of Ellipticity on Thermal Transport in ECH Plasmas in LHD
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- Observation of the Effect of Energetic Ions on Pellet Ablation in the Large Helical Device
- Energetic Ion Measurements Using a Directional Probe
- Characteristic Formation of Edge Transport Barrier in the Compact Helical System
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- Plasma Diagnostics Required for a Heliotron-Type DEMO Reactor
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- Experimental Results for Electron Bernstein Wave Heating in the Large Helical Device
- First Observation of High Density Edge Transport Barrier Formation during Reheat Mode of Helical Plasma in CHS
- A Simultaneous Spectroscopic Measurement of the Global and Edge Local Structures in the Ion Temperature and Plasma Rotation Profiles in the Compact Helical System
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