Neutron Emission Profile Measurement and Fast Charge Exchange Neutral Particle Flux Measurement for Transport Analysis of Energetic Ions in JT-60U
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This paper describes diagnostics for transport analysis of energetic ions in JT-60U. Line integrated neutron emission profiles are measured using Stilbene neutron detectors, which are installed as a neutron emission profile monitor. The flux and energy distribution of charge exchange neutral particles are measured using a natural diamond detector (NDD). These measurements in the presence of bursting instabilities in the frequency range of Alfvén Eigenmode induced by negative-ion-based neutral beam injection, which are called Abrupt Large-amplitude Events, indicate that energetic ions are transported from the core region in the plasma due to a resonance interaction between energetic ions and the instabilities. Development of a digital signal processing (DSP) system for a neutron detector and a NDD enabling a sampling rate in the MHz class is proceeding. The DSP system for the neutron detector successfully discriminates between neutrons and gamma-rays in tests using neutron/gamma-ray sources.
ISOBE Mitsutaka
National Insitute for Fusion Science
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Kusama Yoshinori
Japan Atomic Energy Res. Inst. Ibaraki Jpn
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 801-1 Mukoyama, Naka 311-0193, Japan
Troitsk Institute for Innovating and Fusion Research TRINITI
Sasao Mamiko
Department Of Physics Osaka University:institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya Univ
Baba Mamoru
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Iwate University
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Naka 311-0193, Japan
BABA Mamoru
Department of Engineering, Tohoku University
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Troitsk Institute of Innovating and Fusion Research
ITOGA Toshio
Department of Engineering, Tohoku University
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
KUSAMA Yoshinori
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Troitsk Institute of Innovating and Fusion Research
SASAO Mamiko
Department of Engineering, Tohoku University
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