Plasma Potential in Toroidal Devices: T-10, TJ-II, CHS and LHD
- 論文の詳細を見る
Direct measurements of the electric potential φ, using the Heavy Ion Beam Probing, have been undertaken in the T-10 tokamak, and in the helical devices with various magnetic topology: TJ-II, CHS and LHD. L-mode plasmas were considered. Despite the large differences in machine sizes, heating methods and the topology of the magnetic field, the observed φ shows the striking similarities: (i) Similar magnitudes of Er; (ii) For low densities, ne <0.5×1019 m−3, φ is positive, and an increase in ne is associated with the decrease of positive φ and formation of a negative Er; (iii) For higher densities, ne >(0.5-1)×1019 m−3, both φ and Er tends to be negative despite the use of different heating methods: Ohmic and ECR heating in T-10, ECRH and/or NBI in TJ-II, CHS and LHD; (iv) Application of ECRH, causing a rise in Te, results in more positive values for φ and Er. The analysis show that the main features of the φ dependences on the ne and Te agree with neoclassical predictions on the four devices within experimental and simulation precisions.
- 社団法人 プラズマ・核融合学会の論文
IDO Takeshi
National Institute for Fusion Science
Shimizu Akihiro
National Inst. For Fusion Sci. Toki 509-5292 Jpn
Ido Takeshi
National Inst. For Fusion Sci. Toki 509-5292 Jpn
Fujisawa Akihide
Research Institute For Applied Mechanics Kyushu University
Institute of Tokamak Physics, NRC "Kurchatov Institute", 123182, Moscow, Russia
Institute of Tokamak Physics, NRC 'Kurchatov Institute
DYABILIN Konstantin
Institute of Tokamak Physics, NRC 'Kurchatov Institute
Institute of Tokamak Physics, NRC 'Kurchatov Institute
DYABILIN Konstantin
Institute of Tokamak Physics, NRC 'Kurchatov Institute
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