Production of Sub-MeV Positive Gold Ion Beams with Various Gas Targets to Improve the Tandem Accelerator of the LHD-HIBP
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To expand the application range of heavy ion beam probe measurement in the Large Helical Device (LHD), it is important to increase the probing beam current. The current can be increased by improving the charge exchange efficiency in a gas cell. Experiments were conducted on a tandem accelerator at Kobe University, 5SDH-2, which allows various experimental conditions such as gas species, gas pressure, and beam energy to be selected. Initially, the gas thickness was determined by a beam attenuation method with a He+ ion beam. Next, the dependence of the positive beam current on the gas thickness was measured. The ionic charge fraction of the accelerated beam was measured and compared with the value calculated using the ionization cross section calculated in [M. Nishiura et al., NIFS Report, NIFS-884 (2008)]. The dependence of the Au+ fraction on the target gas thickness shows good qualitative agreement with the experimental value. However, the cross sections obtained experimentally are several times larger than those calculated.
Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University
National Institute for Fusion Science
National Institute for Fusion Science
IDO Takeshi
National Institute for Fusion Science
Kitamura A
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kobe University Of Mercantile Marine
Kitamura Akira
Tottori University Faculty Of Engineering
Taniike Akira
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kobe University Of Mercantile Marine
Kitamura A
Tottori University Faculty Of Engineering
Furuyama Yuichi
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kobe University Of Mercantile Marine
Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, Kobe 658-0022, Japan
Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, Kobe 658-0022, Japan
Shimizu Akihiro
National Inst. For Fusion Sci. Toki 509-5292 Jpn
Ido Takeshi
National Inst. For Fusion Sci. Toki 509-5292 Jpn
Furuyama Yuichi
Graduate School Of Maritime Sciences Kobe University
Taniike Akira
Graduate School Of Maritime Sciences Kobe University
Kitamura Akira
Graduate School Of Engineering Tottori University
Kitamura Akira
Graduate School Of Maritime Sciences Kobe University
National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki 509-5292, Japan
National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki 509-5292, Japan
IDO Takeshi
National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki 509-5292, Japan
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