High Power and High Efficiency Operation of 77 GHz Gyrotrons by Stepwise Raising of the Anode Voltage
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High power and high efficiency operation of 77 GHz gyrotrons was achieved by the stepwise raising of the anode voltage. In particular, a stable MOU output power of 1.8 MW was obtained for 1 s. The effect of beam-charge neutralization on the oscillation characteristics was examined. The intended beam acceleration voltage was not initially reached due to the space-charge effect but was achieved over time through the charge neutralization process. By applying the stepped anode voltage, the gyrotron operational parameters were able to be optimized for the sufficiently accelerated electron beam, leading to the improvement of the output power and the electric efficiency.
- 社団法人 プラズマ・核融合学会の論文
National Insitute for Fusion Science
National Insitute for Fusion Science
National Insitute for Fusion Science
Mutoh Takashi
National Institute For Fusion Science
National Institute for Fusion Science
KARIYA Tsuyoshi
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
National Institute for Fusion Science
Department of Energy Engineering and Science, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8463, Japan
National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki 509-5292 Japan
Department of Energy and Technology, Nagoya University
TAKITA Yasuyuki
National Institute for Fusion Science
National Institute for Fusion Science
KARIYA Tsuyoshi
Plasma Research Center, Tsukuba University
ITO Satoshi
National Institute for Fusion Science
IMAI Tsuyoshi
Plasma Research Center, Tsukuba University
MINAMI Ryutaro
Plasma Research Center, Tsukuba University
MIZUNO Yoshinori
National Institute for Fusion Science
National Institute for Fusion Science
National Institute for Fusion Science
Department of Energy and Technology, Nagoya University
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