Measurements and Analysis of Neutron Flux Distribution in UTR-KINKI
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The neutron flux distributions in UTR-KINKI are comprehensively analyzed in terms of the Au activation reaction rate and compared with those calculated by SRAC-CITATION and MCNP4C. The vertical distribution at the central stringer is found to be a cosine-like one with a smaller FWHM by about 15%, which is in good agreement with both simulation results within an RMS deviation of 2.4% and 2.1%, respectively.However, the CITATION fails to predict the horizontal distribution and humps in the vertical distribution in the fuel tank (FT) just outside the fuel meat due to low energy neutrons moderated in the H2O reflector region. It is suggested that the method of homogenization of the fuel assembly should be optimized to have satisfactory agreement with the measured distributions. On the contrary, the MCNP reproduces well the vertical distribution within the experimental uncertainty of ±3% in the FT and the horizontal distribution within the error of ±10%.From a little asymmetry of the distributions measured in the FT, it is implied that perturbation of the low energy neutron flux due to control rods or voids for them could be appreciable, and should be taken into account in the calculations in order to have even better agreement with the measured distributions.
- 社団法人 日本原子力学会の論文
- 2003-05-25
Matsumoto Jun
Department of Geography, University of Tokyo
Ohsawa Takaaki
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kinki University
Kitamura A
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kobe University Of Mercantile Marine
Kitamura Akira
Department Of Molecular Cell Dynamics Faculty Of Advanced Life Science Hokkaido University
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kobe University of Mercantile Marine
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kobe University of Mercantile Marine
KUBOTA Naoyoshi
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kobe University of Mercantile Marine
Atomic Energy Research Institute, Kinki University
Atomic Energy Research Institute, Kinki University
Atomic Energy Research Institute, Kinki University
Matsumoto Jun
Department Of Cardiovascular Center Toho University Sakura Hospital
Kitamura Akira
Tottori University Faculty Of Engineering
Kitamura Akira
Department Of Anesthesia Nippon Medical School
Tsuruta Takao
Atomic Energy Research Institute Kinki University
Taniike Akira
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kobe University Of Mercantile Marine
Kitamura A
Tottori University Faculty Of Engineering
Hashimoto Kengo
Atomic Energy Research Institute Kinki University
Kubota Naoyoshi
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kobe University Of Mercantile Marine
Furuyama Yuichi
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kobe University Of Mercantile Marine
Ohsawa Takaaki
Department Of Electric And Electronic Engineering School Of Science And Engineering Kinki University
Matsumoto J
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kobe University Of Mercantile Marine
Matsumoto Jun
Department Of Biology Keio University
Horiguchi Tetuso
Atomic Energy Research Institute Kinki University
Matsumoto Jun
Department Of Applied Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University
Furuyama Yuichi
Graduate School Of Maritime Sciences Kobe University
Taniike Akira
Graduate School Of Maritime Sciences Kobe University
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