Effect of Carbon and Oxygen Precipitation on Gold Diffusion in Silicon
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The effect of the precipitation of carbon and/or oxygen on the diffusion of gold in Czochralski(CZ)- and floatzone(FZ) silicon crystals were studied using the neutron activation analysis for gold, infrared spectrophotometry for substitutional carbon and interstitial oxygen and charged-particle activation analysis for total concentration of carbon and oxygen. The diffusion of gold was found to be enhanced by the existence of carbon and/or oxygen precipitates. This enhancement has been related to the precipitation of carbon and oxygen in CZ samples, whereas the gold diffusion in FZ samples, having less oxygen and no carbon precipitation, was not enhanced.
- 1989-10-20
Itoh Yoshiko
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Sugita Yoshimitsu
Department Of Physics Toyama University
Itoh Yoshiko
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Hirosawa, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-01
Nozaki Tadashi
Department of Hygienic Science, Kitazato University, Kitazato, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 228
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