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Gas gangrene is very rare in the head and neck area. We report a case of gas gangrene of the oral cavity and neck. A 51-year-old man consulted our hospital with complaints of dyspnea and dysphagia on November 23,1988. His oral floor and bilateral neck were swollen. As his dyspnea was very severe, emergency tracheostomy was performed and in travenous antibiotics were administered. Hyperglycemia was also recognized, and treatment for diabetic disorder was further initiated. Seven days later, surgical debridement was performed because the neck swelling grew gradually and the computed tomography of the neck showed'gas'in the soft tissue. Bacteriological examination did not reveal any bacteria. He recovered after the debridement and administration of antibiotics, and was discharged on February 18,1989.<BR>Debridement with removal of necrotic tissue is thought to be important treatment of gas gangrene.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
記本 晃治
大津 信也
石田 達也
加島 健司
竹内 紳一
岡田 修治
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