Erratum: Effects of Water Table Control by Farm-Oriented Enhancing Aquatic System on Photosynthesis, Nodule Nitrogen Fixation, and Yield of Soybeans [ Plant Production Science Vol.15(2012) No.2 P132-143 ]
- 論文の詳細を見る
Regarding the article Vol. 15(2): 132-143, 2012. Shimada et al. "Effects of Water Table Control by Farm-oriented Enhancing Aquatic System on Photosynthesis, Nodule Nitrogen Fixation, and Yield of Soybeans".We would like to have errata here with apology.CorrectionOn p. 133, the third and fourth lines of the right column are incorrect. They should be as follows: "Three FOEASs were installed in a paddy field (2100 m2), having an impermeable bottom at approximately 60 cm depth, located at the National Institute of Agro-Engineering (36ºN, 140ºE).On p. 142, between the tenth and eleventh lines above the final line of the left column, the following sentence should be inserted. "As we did the research in an experimental field having a bottom, further research is needed to verify the effect of FOEAS on farmers fields."
- 日本作物学会の論文
Hamaguchi Hideo
National Agricultural Research Center
Kim Yeonghoo
National Institute of Crop Science (NICS)
Shimada Shinji
National Agricultural Research Center For Tohoku Region
Tazawa Junko
National Agricultural Research Center
KATO Masayasu
National Agricultural Research Center
Fujimori Shinsaku
National Research Institute Of Agricultural Engineering
Kato Masayasu
National Agricultural Research Center, NARO
Matsuura Kazuya
Agricultural Research Institute, Ibaraki Agriculture Center
Kokuryu Takuo
National Agricultural Research Center, NARO
Kim Yeonghoo
National Agricultural Research Center, NARO
- P9-14 新規地下灌漑システム"FOEAS"による地下水位制御がダイズ子実カドミウム含有率に及ぼす影響(ポスター紹介,9.植物の無機栄養,2008年度愛知大会)
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- P11-5 ダイズ根粒超着生品種「作系4号」の生理的特性解明(ポスター紹介,11.植物の栄養生態,日本土壌肥料学会 2005年度大会講演要旨集)
- P-50 土壌硬度が根粒超着生ダイズの生育および収量に及ぼす影響
- 124 大豆からの亜酸化窒素(N_2O)と一酸化窒素(NO)の発生
- 根粒超着生変異品種作系4号の親子鑑定
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- 栽培 土壌表面硬度および土壌微生物がダイズ調湿種子の出芽に及ぼす影響
- 高土壌窒素条件下におけるダイズ窒素固定量および窒素固定寄与率の品種間差異(作物生理・細胞工学)
- 相対ウレイド法を用いた高土壌窒素条件下におけるダイズ窒素固定依存度の品種間差異(品種・遺伝資源)
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- P9-11 カルシウム資材と栽培様式がダイズ種子カドミウム含有率におよぼす影響(9. 植物の無機栄養, 2006年度秋田大会講演要旨)
- 25 低窒素肥沃度水田輪換畑圃場におけるFOEASの地下水位制御がダイズの生産性に及ぼす効果 : 2カ年間の成績(栽培,日本作物学会第226回講演会)
- P-10 異なる土壌種類における地下水位制御が根粒着生・非着生ダイズの葉色と子実重に及ぼす影響(日本作物学会第225回講演会)
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- 20 短期間の湛水に対する根粒窒素固定・根粒の耐性に関する研究 : I.期間と還元
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- Erratum: Effects of Water Table Control by Farm-Oriented Enhancing Aquatic System on Photosynthesis, Nodule Nitrogen Fixation, and Yield of Soybeans [ Plant Production Science Vol.15(2012) No.2 P132-143 ]