A Case of Transient Hypouricemia Associated with Drug-Induced Liver Disorder in Reference to Uric Acid Concentration Observed in Normal Subjects and Admitted Patients
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Hypouricemia associated with liver disease has been implicated in some patients with severe liver disorder. A case of transient hypouricemia associated with drug-induced intrahepatic cholestasis was reported. A 58 year-old female had been diagnosed as diabetes mellitus at the age of 43 and her blood suger level had been controled by diet. From the beginning of May,1981, she was treated by Acetohexamide because of poor control of diabetes mellitus. She was admitted to Tottori University Hospital on June 1,1981 with chief complaints of fever, anorexia, nausea and vomitting for 2 weeks. Jaundice was also developed 6 days before admission. Laboratory findings revealed intrahepatic cholestasis and hypouricemia. Three weeks after admission, serum uric acid concentration recovered to the normal level as liver function test became normal. In Acetohexamide test, no change was observed in the level of serum uric acid. It is suggested that the cause of hypouricemia in this patient may not due to Acetohexamide but due to intrahepatic cholestasis. In addition to these observations of the case, we examined the uric acid concentration in normal subjects (586 cases) and Uric Acid Research Vo 1.6 No 1 ( 1982 ) 101 admitted patients (1,220 cases). As the result of this examination, it is observed that hypouricemia in admitted patients was markedly more than that in normal subjects.
- Japanese Society of Gout and Nucleic Acid Metabolismの論文
下山 晶士
真柴 裕人
久留 一郎
秦 正
武田 倬
安東 良博
真柴 裕人
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