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To achieve accurate real-time 2D H2O2 distribution imaging, we fabricated an H2O2 sensor array by dispensing small quantities of enzyme solution very accurately onto electrodes in an electrode array. We confirmed the accuracy of the dispensing technique. We then investigated the responses of each sensor to H2O2 injection using a 64-channel multipotentiostat and found they varied by 20%. Real-time 2D H2O2 imaging was therefore successfully realized by using our flow cell system. This sensor array will be useful for the non-invasive, real-time monitoring of the H2O2 distribution in biological samples.
- 公益社団法人 電気化学会の論文
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
河西 奈保子
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
Kasai Nahoko
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories
島田 明佳
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
SHIMADA Akiyoshi
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
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