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We reported the scapulothoracic arthrodesis for congenital major defect of the clavicle. The Patient was an 18-year-old male. The chief complaints were asymmetric appearance and weakness of his right shoulder. Although most of the left clavicle had a congenital defect, there was no severe disability for activities of daily living, though he had a little limitation of range of motion in his left shoulder. He started to be concerned about the asymmetric appearance of his shoulder and he felt the weakness of his shoulder gradually with his growth. In this situation, we performed the scapulothoracic arthrodesis to treat the asymmetric appearance and to improve his shoulder function. The scapula was fixed on the second to sixth ribs using the reconstruction plate (SYNTHES) and Dole-miles cable. There were improvements not only the appearance but also the function of the shoulder after the surgery. He can maintain thr abducted position of his shoulder because of the improvement in the stability of the shoulder after scapulothoracic arthorodesis. Congenital major defect of the clavicle would be one of the indications for scapulothoracic arthorodesis.
見目 智紀
金塚 彩
落合 信靖
千葉大学大学院医学研究院 整形外科
杉岡 佳織
杉岡 佳織
西須 孝
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