- 論文の詳細を見る
A new-type maze using computer graphics was devised and applied to simulate human problem solving in a "fire" emergency situation. The maze was a 10-unit multiple U-maze (Warden, 1924). On the screen in front of the subject was displayed a three-dimensional, subjects-eye view of a hall, with floor, ceiling and walls. The subject could change the scene to the next or could "walk" through a passage, or turn to either right or left, by pressing appropriate keys. Experimental group was instructed to escape from the exit as quickly as possible, assuming the situation as a fire emergency. Control group was run under normal condition. The results, in terms of a few additional measures of maze learning, showed that the experimental subjects made more errors, took more time to get out of the maze, made more inappropriate moves and took less time to change one scene to the next, than the control subjects. Advantages and the potentialities of this maze for simulating human behavior in emergency were discussed.
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