- 論文の詳細を見る
A radioimmunoassay method was developed to measure plasma aldosterone levels.<BR>Antibody was produced in rabbits by injecting aldosterone oxime coupled with bovine gamma-globulin once a month.<BR>Plasma aldosterone was measured simultaneously by two methods : the direct method without extraction and a method using paper chromatography.<BR><SUP>125</SUP> I-aldosterone was used in the first method and <SUP>3</SUP>H-aldosterone in the second.<BR>The antibody had a high specificity adequate to show zero water blank in the first method.<BR>Adequate precision, accuracy and sensitivity were obtained in a direct method using <SUP>125</SUP>I-aldosterone.<BR>Plasma aldosterone levels were 7.1±3.0ng/100m<I>l</I> (Mean ±SD) in normal subjects and slightly higher after injecting ACTH-Z.<BR>The correlative coefficient between the first and the second method was significantly high (r=0.970, P<0.001, n=37).<BR>Plasma aldosterone was high (34.3±14.1ng/100m<I>l</I>, n=7) in primary aldosteronism, slightly high (14.2±2.6ng/100m<I>l</I>) in secondary aldosteronism, normal in Cushing's syndrome (10ng/100m<I>l</I>) and low in Addison's disease (1ng/100m<I>l</I>), hypopituitarism (1ng/100m<I>l</I>) and pseudoaldosteronism (2ng/100m<I>l</I>).<BR>From these results, it is concluded that the direct method without extraction was a very useful and reliable method for measuring plasma aldosterone. It was superior in simplicity and there is no need to use a liquid scintillation counter.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
春山 和見
飯沼 一茂
春山 和見
福島医大 第三内科
福地 総逸
福島医大 第三内科
中嶋 凱夫
福島医大 第3内科
斉藤 勝
福島医大 RI研究室
春山 和見
福島医大 第3内科
福地 総逸
福島医大 第3内科
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