- 論文の詳細を見る
Prostaglandins (PGS) have a wide range of actions on reproductive processes. Data have been reported from several laboratories that PGs are involved in the maturation and release of oocyte.<BR>In order to examine the changes in the production of PGs and steroids in ovulation and the effect of an inhibitor of PG biosynthesis on ovulation, we examined the changes in concentrations of PGs and steroids in peripheral plasma, ovarian vein plasma and follicular fluid during the pre-ovulatory period in prepubertal gilts treated with hCG (6 i.u./kg) 72 hrs after PMS (12 i.u./kg) injection.<BR>The levels of progesterone in peripheral plasma, ovarian vein plasma and follicular fluid increased near ovulation. On the other hand, estradiol-17β and testosterone levels reached maximal values 72 hrs after PMS injection and decreased after hCG injection. The levels of PGF<SUB>2α</SUB> in the ovarian vein began to rise and reached maximal values near ovulation.<BR>The concentrations of PGE<SUB>1</SUB>, PGF<SUB>2α</SUB> and 6 keto PGF<SUB>1α</SUB> in the follicular fluid at 72 hrs after PMS treatment but prior to hCG injection was about 16, <8, 27 pg/follicle respectively. The levels of the three PGs remained relatively constant until 18 hrs after hCG injection and thereafter began to rise and reached maximal values (PGE<SUB>1</SUB>, F<SUB>2α</SUB>, 6 keto PGF<SUB>1α</SUB> : 450,658,188 pg/follicle respectively) as the expected time of ovulation approached. The increase curves of those PGs are as follows : PGE<SUB>1</SUB> : y=4.41t<SUP>1.15</SUP> + 16 (γ<SUP>2</SUP>=0.89, P<0.005), PGF<SUB>2α</SUB> : y=8.34t<SUP>0.99</SUP> (γ<SUP>2</SUP> =0.85, P<0.005), 6 keto PGF<SUB>1α</SUB> : y=7.16t<SUP>0.72</SUP> + 27 (γ<SUP>2</SUP>=0.87, P< 0.005) (y : pg/follicle, t : hrs after hCG injection).<BR>Superovulation was inhibited by the administration of indomethacin and mefenamic acid at 24 hrs after hCG injection. Follicles of the ovary so treated were kept unruptured and grossly swollen. The levels of progesterone in peripheral plasma and ovarian vein plasma after indomethacin treatment were similar to the controls. Few differences were found in the peripheral plasma levels of progesterone, estradio1-17β, testosterone and 17α OH progesterone between the indomethacin treated and control groups. This was also found to be so with progesterone levels in the ovarian vein plasma.<BR>The present study indicated that PG biosynthesis inhibitors such as indomethacin and mefenamic acid resulted in the inhibition of ovulation without interference with steroid production.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
河合 康夫
坂元 正一
三橋 直樹
山田 豊
河合 康夫
佐藤 和雄
榊原 賢一郎
木下 勝之
呉 道明
三橋 直樹
坂元 正一
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