TSH, PTU投与ラット甲状腺上皮細胞における酵素組織化学的研究
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Enzyme histochemical changes were observed both light and electron microscopically in the thyroid follicular cells of the rats given either TSH or PTU. One enzyme was peroxidase which plays important roles in the synthesis of thyroid hormones and the other was acid phosphatase, one of many lysosomal enzymes.<BR>Light microscopically the follicular cells of normal rat's thyroid were positive by both enzyme stainings. The follicular cells of rats given TSH singly were strongly positive, and the cells of those administrated PTU for 2 weeks were also strongly positive.<BR>Electron microscopically, the localization of thyroid peroxidase activity was found in the following sites : <BR>(a) the perinuclear cisternae (b) the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum (c) Golgi complex (d) some apical vesicles. The changes of peroxidase activity in the follicular cells of rats given TSH singly or PTU continuously were as follows : the perinuclear cisternae, the dilated cisternae of r-ER and many apical vesicles were positive after single TSH administration, and the perinuclear cisternae and the dilated cisternae of r-ER were also positive after prolonged PTU administration. From above observations, it was speculated histo-chemically that the endogenous peroxidase activity in the thyroid follicular cells of the rats was elevated after single TSH or prolonged PTU administration.<BR>In order to compare these histochemical changes with biochemical ones of peroxidase activity, peroxidase activity of the rat's thyroids under the same maniplations were determined by guaiacol assay. The peroxidase activity per thyroid lobes from a rat was significantly increased after prolonged administration of TSH and PTU.
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