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Thirty years old man, was admitted with chief complaint of weakness, slight fever chest pain and backache.<BR>Positive physical findings were only spleenomegaly and marked enlargement of general lymphnodes which grew up gradually to form a mass as large as walnut in size.<BR>A numeral atypical large cell (6-8μ) in the peripheral blood were round or oval, its nucleus was irregular in its form and had a fine structure and from one to three numbers of nuleolei in each. These cells were assumed to belong to the cells of lympatic system based on the fact that cystoplasma was stained basophilic, showed positive PAS staining and negative peroxidase reaction with mcJunkin's method.<BR>This patient, diagnosed as leukemic lymphosarcomatosis on the basis of above observations, expired appoximately 6 months later when atypical cells appeared in 95 per cent in his peripheral blood.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
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