- 正常家兎及び障害家兎蝸牛の蓋膜Imprintに関する走査電顕的観察
- 経外鼻孔的に侵入した蝶形骨洞銃弾異物の1症例
- Goldenhar症候群の1症例--内耳道狭窄・先天性皮膚泡の合併
- 外耳道骨腫Osteoma症例--特に外骨腫症Exostosisとの鑑別点について
- 当教室〔福島県立医科大学耳鼻咽喉科学教室〕における四重癌を含む重複癌の観察
- Statistical Studies of Malignant Tumors of the Tongue
- Psychogenic Hearing Loss in Children
- Auditory Brainstem Responses in Patients with Cerebellopontine Anale Tumors
- Two Cases of Congenital Middle Ear Cholesteatoma
- External Auditory Canal Cholesteatoma
- A Case of Inner Ear Anomaly with Bilateral Macular Coloboma and Cervical Synostosis
- 喉頭線維肉腫の1症例と本邦喉頭肉腫報告例の統計的観察
- アミノ配糖体薬剤の急速静注による聴器・腎障害に関する実験的研究
- 稀有なる舌の骨軟骨腫の1症例
- Netilmicinの聴器毒性および腎毒性に関する実験的研究--Dibekacin,Kanamycin,Amikacinとの比較検討
- BumetanideとKanamycin併用による内耳障害--Furosemideとの比較検討
- カナマイシン難聴の個体差発現機序に関する実験的研究
- Ototoxicity of a New Aminoglycoside Antibiotic, Habekacin
- A Clinical Study of Malignant Tumor of the Epipharynx
- A Case of Parapharyngeal Neurinoma with Unilateral Involvement of Cranial Nerves IX, X, XII
- Transnasal Hypophysectomy:Hardy's Approach
- Otological Findings in Two Siblings with the Wolfram Syndrome
- Metastatic Tumor of the Temporal Bone:A Histopathological Case Report
- 家兎蝸牛の Surface Preparation
- 音響刺激による家兎蝸牛損傷の実験的研究
- Clinical Study of Malignant Tumors of the Auditory Organs
- Acinic Cell Adenocarcinoma of Minor Salivary Gland Origin
- Brain Abscess after the Treatment of Maxillary Cancer; A Case Report
- A Retrospective Evaluation of 151 Cases of Laryngeal Cancer
- Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of the Tectorial Imprint in Kanamycin-treated Guinea Pigs
- A Case of Hunt's Syndrome with Jumbling Phenomenon
- Statistical Observations of Abnormal Sensation in the Throat in Our Clinic
- Postoperative Studies on Maxillary Cysts in our Clinic
- Hearing Impairment in Three Siblings with the Alström Syndrome
- Fibromyoma of the External Nose
- A Case of Acute Sensorineural Hearing Loss during Pregnancy Associated with Measles
- Two Cases of Maxillary Fibrous Dysplasia
- 鼓室形成術3型のコツ(臨床ノート)