- 論文の詳細を見る
A case of osteochondroma of the tongue was reported with a review of the literature.A 27-year-old woman was seen on August 19, 1975, with the complaint of "something growing on the tongue". The lesion had increased in size in 23 years. A mass about the size of a walnut was found on the left side of the middle third of the tongue.The lesion was removed under general anesthesia on October 17, 1975.Benign bony and cartilagenous tumors of the tongue are quite rare. In the world-wide literature on the subject, 13 cases of osteoma, 17 cases of chondroma and 3 cases of osteochondroma were reported.The exact etiology of those lesions is not known, but two theories have generally been advanced to account for the formation of bony and cartilaguenous tumors of the tongue: the congenital theory and the metaplastic theory.The lesion in this case appeared to be metaplastic in origin.
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