Frequency analysis of movement of the body centroid. Comparison between normal and vertiginous cases.:-Comparison Between Normal and Vertiginous Cases-
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Frequency analysis was performed on the movement of the body centroid when standing upright. Subjects were divided into four groups:normal, vertigo of central origin, vertigo of peripheral origin during an attack and between attacks.Each group consisted of twelve subjects. The characteristic frequencies of X-and Y-moment of the body centroid were obtained by Fourier Analysis in each group.The power supectral in twenty-one frequency bands of 0-3 Hz were compared among these four groups.1) The normal group had a slow frequency component of less than 1 Hz (in particular, less than 0.5 Hz), while the vertigo groups, especially the central origin group, had a faster frequency component.2) Between the normal and the vertigo groups, except the peripheral vertigo group between attacks, there was a significant difference in the X with eyes open in the frequency band of 0.5857 Hz-0.7320 Hz (Band 5), with eyes closed in the band of 0.2929 Hz-0.8784 Hz (Bands 3-6), and in the Y with eyes closed in the band of 0.1465 Hz-1.0248 Hz (Bands 2-7).3) Between the vertigo groups of central and peripheral origin, there was a significant difference in the X with eyes closed in the frequency band of 0.2929 Hz-0.8784 Hz (Bands 3-6), and in the Y with eyes closed in the band of 0.1465 Hz-1.0248 Hz (Bands 2-7).
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