Avascular Necrosis in Compressed Air Workers
- 論文の詳細を見る
The radiographic appearances of aseptic necrosis of bone caused by decompression were first described by Bornstein and Plate (1911) and independently by Bassoe (1911). We operat ed a caisson worker's hip joint and found that the head of the femur was the avasucular necrosis. Dens area lesions were found at his heads of the humerus. We found that 6 of 11 caisson workers had bone lesion caused by decompression. Pathological findings and Prevention were mentined.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
加茂 洋志
船越 啓右
九州歯科大学 病理学教室
鳥巣 岳彦
浦郷 篤史
北野 元生
岩淵 亮
川島 真人
林 晧
川島 真人
林 晧
九州労災病院 高圧医療研究部
加茂 洋志
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