Cryptococcosis の実験的研究(第 2 報)
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Cryptococcus neoformans was isolated from cerebro-spinal fluid of a patient of cryptococcosis. Rats, and 65 mice were sacrificed for experiment. We divided these mice into three groups ; 0.3 million cells of cryptococcuci were inoculated intracereberally in 15 mice of MA group. 15 million intraperitoneally, in 15 mice of MB group, 6 million intraperioneally in 15 mice of MC group. We investigated the changes mycologically, clinically, pathoanatomically and pathohistologically etc., Results obtained were as follows ; 1) The micro-organisum isolated from cerebro-spinal fluid of a patient was mycologically Cr. neoformance. 2) The mice of MA group died on the 2nd∿the 7th day after inoculation (average life ; 5.1 days), MB group died on the 3rd∿the 15th day (average life ; 7.9 days), MC group died on the 4th∿the 30th day (average life ; 12.6 days). 3) The clinical findings of mice of every group exhibited a sort of sneezing, exophthalmus, inactivity, want of appetite, anorexia, hypersensibility, senseless, tremor, paralysis, force posture, forced movement, asthenie and coma, ctc. 4) As a patho-anatomical findings, there were a lot of poppy-seed great milky white round or oval lesions in central nervous system, heart, lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys of every group. These lesions were sharply circumscribed. There was no inflammatory reaction around the lesion. a) In MA group, there was no jelly-like substance around the inoculated portion of the meninx. There was no inflammatory reaction everywhere. Liver and spleen showed slight stagnation. Liver and kidney showed slight cloudy swelling. b) There was no considerably much jelly-like substance on the surface of intestines, and mesenterium around inoculated portion. Such substance was easily desquamable by finger. No inflammatory change was found on peritoneum. Other changes were almost similar to that of MA group. 5) Patho-histological findings ; A lot of poppy-seed great lesions in central nervous system, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys and intestinal tubes was microscopically a kind of cyst. The destruction and the number of lesion revealed the extensive evidence in central nervous system, but those of other organs were more inferior to the former. The lesions of central nervous system in every group were almost identical, in MA group there were many cyst whose diameter measured 300μ∿1300μ, and in MB and MC group there was no cyst whose diameter measured over 400μ. The shape of cyst in all groups was round or oval. The wall of every cyst was distinctly limited. There was no tissue reaction or no exsudation around the lesion. Cyst contained some cryptococcuci and some mucoid substances in it. There was many buddings of cryptococcuci in central nervous system, heart, but there was no in other organs. The lesions which had no inflammatory reaction or no exsudation inspite of presence of destructive changes were characteristic feature in cryptococcosis. The histological findings of central nervous system of all groups showed almost the same changes. There were many cysts of various size in cortex, medulla, telencephalon, diencephalon, rhonbence-phalon and spinal cord. Various nerve-cells showed swelling or atrophy, degeneration and destruction. Neurits showed also myelin degeneration, atrophy or destruction. Cryptococcuci were found in various organs separatedly, and there were remarkable number of cryptococcuci on the surface of plexus cholioideus and subarachinoidial spaces. The jelly-like substance in abdominal cavity of MB, MC group was collection of cryptococcuci. In every group, there were degeneration of heart muscle, stagnation of lungs, liver and spleen, and cloudy swelling of liver. The glomeruli showed the destructive changes. The epithel cells of nephron were severely degenerated. 6) Patho-chemical findings ; By Menkin's method, we examined Leukotaxine and Capillary Promoting Factor of cryptococcuci and of organs of infected animals, but the results showed negative. This result was convenient to clarify no tissue reaction and exsudation of lesions of cryptococcosis. 7) The severe destruction of central nervous system caused the death of these experimental animals and the changes of kidneys accerated the death.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
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- Cryptococcosis の実験的研究(第 2 報)
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- 歯周包帯(Periodontal pack)についての実験
- 所謂歯槽膿漏症の研究 : I 本症患者の血液所見(赤沈値、血球数、血色素量、白血球像等に就て)(歯槽膿漏症の研究)
- 18. 歯槽膿漏症の ecology(第 1 報)(第 25 回九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 歯槽膿漏症と唾液中 Cholesterol(第 1 報)
- 若年齢24剖検例下顎骨の病理組織学的研究(II) : 一般講演要旨
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- 12. Candida 属 yeast phase cell の分芽に伴う細胞内微細構造の変化 : 特に膜構造核の動態について(第 26 回 九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 15. Candida albicans 厚膜胞子の核染色性およびグラム染色性について(第 24 回 九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 健常口腔における Candida 属の寄生状態に就いて (II)(第 19 回 九州歯科学会総会)
- Cryptococcosis の一症例
- 歯周症を認めた粘液水腫の一剖検例
- Candida 属の各種消毒薬に対する抵抗性について(第 19 回 九州歯科学会総会)
- Ewing の Sarcoma の 1 剖檢例(九州歯科学会 11 月例会)
- 歯冠補綴物が歯牙・歯周組織に及ぼす影響について : 剖検顎骨の病理組織学的研究
- 1. 口腔由来のブドウ球菌の疫学的研究
- 上顎体を伴った新生児とその麻酔管理
- 18 才女性下顎骨に現われた所謂 "Cherubism" と思われる一例
- 歯槽膿漏症の研究 (X VIII) 歯槽膿漏症に対する胎盤漿の効果 : 第 1 編 本症患者に対する作用
- 歯槽膿漏症の研究 (XVIII) : 歯槽膿漏症に対する胎盤漿の効果、(第 2 編)実験的歯槽膿漏(類似)症に対する胎盤漿の作用
- 急性河豚中毒屍剖検所見
- 16. 実験的 Cryptococcosis の研究 : (第 7 報)口腔 Cryptococcosis(第 24 回 九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 急性青酸カリ中毒屍剖検例
- 稀有なる気管内異物に依る窒息屍の一剖検例
- 13. 口腔感染病巣由来のブドウ球菌の再検討(第 26 回 九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 29. Candida albicans の chlamydospore の微細構造について(第 25 回九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 11. 口腔正常菌叢の一部としての酵母様真菌類について(第 23 回九州歯科学会総会)
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- Candida albicans の集落解離に就いて(第 17 回九州歯科学会総会)
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