歯槽膿漏症の研究 (XVIII) : 歯槽膿漏症に対する胎盤漿の効果、(第 2 編)実験的歯槽膿漏(類似)症に対する胎盤漿の作用
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The author reported in parevious paper that Placenta-Plasma was a promising remedy to pyorrhea alveolaris in patients. In this report, I examined the effects of Placenta-Plasma to experimental pyorrhea alveolaris in dogs. Male and female healthy 18 dogs (from 1.5 to 6 years old) were used for this experiment and these dogs divided into following 6 groups. [table] - …… 7 gr per kilogram of sugur added to normal diet every day. …… …… sugur free (normal diet). 〓 …… 2cc of Placenta-Plasma injected intramusclary every three days (twenty times). The results obtained were as follows ; 1) The percentages of alkaline phosphatase in neutrophilic leucocytes of healthy 18 dogs were less than 6% and mean value was 2.2%. 2) In groups of sugur diet, from about the 5th day the percentages of alkaline phosphatase in neutrophilic leucocytes began to increase and on the 21th day, every percentage became more than phisiological range, on the 90th day mean value of percentages was 20.3%. 3) In groups of sugur diet, from the 10th day giviva began to show symptoms of gigivicis, and on abont the 90th day parodontium of every case showed symptom of pyorrhea alveolaris. 4) Parodontium of the 1st group showed patho-histologically inflammatary cells ifniltration in propria, in inner epithels, and in pus pockcts, and degeneration or resorption of alveolar bones. Furthermore, metabolic disturbances or halisteresis of costal bones and costal carilages, hyperplasia of Langerhans' Islands and degenerative atrophy of heart muscles were seen. 5) In the 2nd group, these findings became slighter, and the percentages of alkaline phosphatse decreased slightly. 6) In the 3rd group, every findings became severer tham that of the Ist group. 7) In the 4th group, the percentages of alkaline phosphase became almost normal and parodontium became clinically and patho-histologically quite normal. Findings of cther parts bacame also quite normal. 8) In the 5th group, the percentages of alkaline phosphatase became quite normal, and parodontium became clinically and patho-histologically quite normal. Findings of other parts became also quite uormal. 9) Judging from these results above mentined, Plasenta-Plasma is a promising and essential remedy to experimental pyorrhea alveolaris. 10) These experimental results accord with that of human pyorrha alveolaris in the previous report.
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