Candida に関する研究 : 菌体抽出多糖体による血清学的研究
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I extracted and purificated the cellural polysaccharide of seven species in genus Candida as following which they had been classificated by Martin et al. The isolation and purification of the polysaccharide of Candida has been accomplished by fractional alkohol precipitation, a method for following isolation of polysaccharide by Palmer & Gerlough. And the polysaccharides of Candida have been extracted that were indicated by their reactivity in their antiserums as measured by the quantitative precipitin test and as measured by the agglutination of the caolin particles coated with polysaccharides. These antigenically inert particles, such as caolin, have been used for agglutination test following sensitization of particles with a soluble antigen. Although antigen of this type are not always satisfactory due to a tendency to agglutinate spontaneously in saline solution or normal serum. Difficulty also may be experienced in securing a firm adsorption with some antigens. The results are summerized as follows : 1. The existence of species specificity was recognized in cellural polysaccharide of Candida as antigenical property. 2. The precipitin test of the polysaccharide solution to appears higher titer and sensitivity than when whole cells of Candida are used as antigen. 3. Agglutination of the polysaccharide sensitized by caolin particles showed higher specificity in antiserums of Candida than precipitin test of polysaccharide of Candida. And I observed the presence of optimal proportion in the mixture between caolin particles (0.2mg/ml) and the polysaccharide (10μg/ml). 4. I obtained best result in this serological reaction that when the polysaccharide sensitized caolin particles are used as agglutinogen and the antipolysaccharide serum are used as antibody compared with anyother serological reactions.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1959-03-25
- 43. 歯牙表面微細構造の電顕的観察
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- 4. 人エナメル質の構築過程の研究(7 月例会, 九州歯科学会月例会報告)
- 3. アマルガム合金粒子内への水銀の拡散速度およびアマルガム化組織の定性分析について(7 月例会, 九州歯科学会月例会報告)
- 3. Candida 属菌細胞発育形態の走査電顕による観察(2 月例会, 九州歯科学会月例会報告)
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- 40. Cryptococcosis の研究(第 3 報)(九州歯科学会総会抄録)
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- 29. Candida albicans の chlamydospore の微細構造について(第 25 回九州歯科学会総会抄録)
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- Candida に関する研究 : 菌体抽出多糖体による血清学的研究
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- Candida stellatoidea,Candida albicans厚膜胞子の発芽能とその微細構造 (真菌細胞の発育過程における微細構造の変化-1〜3-)
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- Candida属の核分裂とその他の膜系の変化 (真菌細胞の発育過程における微細構造の変化-1〜3-)
- 酵母様真菌細胞微細構造の電子顕微鏡的研究-1-Candida albicans,Candida stellatoideaのChlamydosporeの微細構造について